As you may have noticed, the forums have been converted onto the Zetaboards platform, which the RA authorized the Admins to initiate when "as the move can be executed safely, securely and without loss of content."

The RA hereby authorises the forum administrators to transition the hosting of the regional forum from z13 to an appropriate zetaboards account, at such a time as the move can be executed safely, securely and without loss of content.

In view of that previously approved motion, do we need a formal Constitutional amendment to update the URL reference in the Constitution, or is there a consensus that it can be updated without any further action?

Edited to add some additional context:

At the time of the motion, the Constitution required a three-fourths vote, with a quorum to approve any motion to change the designation of the official forums. This motion was approved by a vote of 19-1 with a quorum participating.

Under the current system, the change has to be made with a constitutional amendment, as the independent procedure was merged into the constitutional amendment procedure/ The vote on the motion at the time would be sufficient to meet that standard. I viewed the motion originally as the equivalent of a valid motion to change forums designations nut contingent on a future condition taking place, Now that the condition has occurred, and the move has been completed, the new designation is valid and effective.

I do not want to edit the post with the Constitutional text without at least a discussion so that there's a record of what was going on and that the consensus of the current RA accepted the result of the earlier action.
That would fall under your purview I believe as Chief Justice.

It would seem that any motion approved by the RA that implies direct informative, but not substantive, change to the Constitution could be carried out without a formal follow up motion and/or amendment.
Since there does not appear to be an objection to updating the reference for the forums, it'll be taken care of.

We do need to update the reference in the WFE, though.