North Pacific Times 001


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Chancellor Dalimbar Preparing New Rouge Tour
By: Lady Anastasia, North Pacific Times.


Chancellor Dalimbar, centre, with Delegate New Kervoskia, right, and Speaker Agamemnon.

SAINT ANDREISBURG, Dalimbar. The North Pacific Times has learned that Chancellor Dalimbar is interested in pursuing his rouge agenda with gusto since his previous Rouge Tour of 2007 failed to make a profit. Insider sources close to the Chancellor note that "this act will be kept family-friendly, yet we will entertain our best fans".

The recent appointment of Dalimbar to the post of Chancellor of The North Pacific raised many eyebrows around the community. "Dear lord, we just finally got rid of the make up he left from last time he tried that! We finally fixed all the windows he broke in the last tour! What next, partying with the sheep until sunrise? Can't he go somewhere else?" said one Regional Assembly member, while the rest were too sleepy to comment.

Independent observers of the region noted that the Chancellor might be considering "an establishment of fashion shows, drinking contests, and other unsightly activities" which may or may not contribute to the well being of The North Pacific. Time will tell to see if the Rouge Chancellor can make up for his lackluster performance last time he performed in The North Pacific.

"This time we have the team to make this region rock to its knees, baby!" cried Dalimbar as he addressed the region earlier in the week. Delegate New Kervoskia was unavailable for comment, with his secretary saying that he was unavailable due to "practice", leaving reporters scratching their heads.

Hard core pawn shop dealer Agamemnon, also known as Speaker Grimalkin, had this to say about the new Chancellor: "The Chancellor still owes me 35 Francos for his guitar." Will the Chancellor be able to pay his debts, never mind provide a profitable and fun tour? Well, from now until September we shall see for ourselves.