NS Crossfire


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
NS: Crossfire - Heated Political Debate with Dalimbar and Biyah, hosted and kinda moderated by New Kervoskia.

NS: Crossfire this week: Ban-on-sight policy in the Pacifics. Good or bad? Dalimbar and Biyah will be debating on this weeks issue of NS:Crossfire on Saturday, June 12, 2010 starting at 8:30pm Eastern in #crossfire on esper.net on IRC, and the transcripts will be published after the debate. If you have a question you wish to bring up to the panelists, please let either Dalimbar, Biyah, or New Kervoskia know ahead of time so we can make space for you.

So come on down to NS:Crossfire, bring your popcorn, and get ready for a good time.