In Loving Memory

Earlier today, I unexpectedly lost my "Little White Flower." She became serious ill sometime yesterday, and we weren't able to reach a vet in time. She passed on in my arms. She shouldn't have died this young. I don't have the words, I am in shock. I will miss her forever.

Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white,
clean and bright
You look happy to meet me.
Blossom of snow
may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Bless my homeland forever.

Edelweiß, Edelweiß,
Du grüßt mich jeden Morgen,
Sehe ich dich,
Freue ich mich,
Und vergess' meine Sorgen.
Schmücke das Heimatland,
Schön und weiß,
Blühest wie die Sterne.
Edelweiß, Edelweiß,
Ach, ich hab dich so gerne.

As many of you know I had warned last summer that things would be hectic for me into July because of a couple of publishing deadlines.

At the time, I did not know I would have to move (twice, now as it turns out) and lose Edie in the midst of it all.

I'll be moving long distance from Monday, and I do not know how long it will be beffore I have internet access by means other than finding places with free wifi. I will have access to places that do, but it may not be as continuous as I like. It may in part depend on whether my favorite spots I found four years ago are still there and open.

At some point, I should get paid for this first deadline and at that point one thing I will do is get a schnauzer, a second will be getting a wireless connection for this notebook, and then a place to live.

So send me a PM if you need me, but realize it may be a few days before I can even read it or respond.

Meanwhile here's another pc of Edie that was also taken in December.