
News from TNP
Greetings, and welcome to your update. Today the North Pacific is leaner, and meaner than ever. Rumor has it that Jenny Craig joined the region, and TNP has shed 2000 nations.
Currently The assembly has been discussing the way the Admins are appointed to the forum.
The department of Labor has just started up the North Pacific Recovery Administration, and they want to know. “Are you doing your part?” All nations in TNP are encouraged to join.
Foreign Affairs has added a new consulate for New Earth, and is always looking for new ambassadors.
Special news
After it was found that TNP was full of nations full of sin, and breaking the 10 commandments by Worshiping false Gods, Having children out of wedlock, and not circumcising their children as God would have us do. These nations have been tried, and convicted of breaking Gods commandment. They have been deported to The Rejected Realms where Kandarin, the Lord of the underworld will surely show that terrorism is not the answer, only through the God, can thee be saved.
Special Update
TNP proudly presents an interview with the President, and founder of Utah
<@Wham> Greetings Jack, and thanks for taking this interview.
<@Jack> Thank you, I have been meaning to talk to you, though I was hoping to get to talk to New Kevoskia.
<@Wham> Perhaps we can arrange that at a later time.
<@Jack> Before we get started, I would like to address a grievance we as a region have with TNP.
<@Wham> I am sorry to hear that there is a grievance, but I will ensure that the delegate receives any grievances you may have.
<@Jack> First off, that envoy you assigned to our region. We demand that you recall him immediately! He is a nightmare! He has been harassing the members of our region, their wives, I know for a fact my 15 wives are terrified to even go to the market.
Also he has been molesting our sheep, and now they refuse to grow wool. This has been the coldest winter in a long time, and we have no means to make new clothes.
<@Wham> Perhaps we can make arrangements to have wool shipped in to Utah to help in your time of need, and to show good faith in our friendship.
<@Jack> Friendship? I was wondering what we did to you guys to send that guy to us. We would rather you declare war on us instead.
<@Wham> Perhaps we should have sent someone with more appeal, and charisma. Someone who the sheep would have liked.
,@Jack> Yes, you should have. Can you please have him recalled, or at least sent to Montana?
<@Wham> We might be able to get him sent to Montana. I’ll make a recommendation for that.