Disaster Preparedness Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Topid
The General Assembly,
Defining ‘disaster’ as an event that causes massive loss of life or property damage,
Noting the vast amounts of wealth spent annually by member states, NGOs, and the World Assembly itself in providing humanitarian aid after disasters,
Recognizing that some of the loss of life and damage to property could be avoided if a nation had some warning a disaster was pending,
Seeking to prevent the loss of as many lives or the damage of as much property as possible when disasters occur,
I. Establishes the Global Organization for Public Safety (GOPS) which shall be tasked with monitoring public hazards,
(a) Defines ‘public hazard’ as a condition, event, or situation that could become a disaster or makes a disaster possible or likely to occur,
(b) The GOPS shall operate:
(1) Meteorological centers to monitor the weather,
(2) Seismological centers to monitor risks such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic activity,
II. Authorizes the GOPS to inspect structures such as dams, levees, and high-rise buildings in urban areas, which could cause disasters if the structure was to fail,
(a) All the nations to be effected shall be alerted if there is a likely failure of the structure,
III. Mandates GOPS shall issue warnings to national governments when they suspect a disaster is pending, and shall also notify the various NGOs, WA Organizations, and National Governments which frequently send humanitarian aid, in the hopes the aid will arrive sooner if advanced notice is given;
IV. Declares member states maintain the right to operate their own disaster alert system,
(a) Such an organization must share all information about possible disasters with the GOPS,
V. Mandates member states to respond to alerts in a manner that will protect the lives of as many civilians as possible,
(a) If the GOPS finds a member state to have ignored an alert, or responded insubstantially to an alert, the member state shall be mandated to pay the victims of the disaster an amount determined by the GOPS.
Votes For: 344: , Alsted[319], Ventei[18].
Votes Against: 0
I like the author, and I don't see anything awful about the proposal yet. So I'm inclined to vote FOR.
However, I'll follow the NS debate and post the chief arguments FOR and AGAINST, sooner or later. When the North Pacific comes to a decision I'll post an official statement for us, in the official thread.
This is a clause I'm worried about...
"(a) If the GOPS finds a member state to have ignored an alert, or responded insubstantially to an alert, the member state shall be mandated to pay the victims of the disaster an amount determined by the GOPS."
This 'amount' has been undefined. So are taxpayers being robbed? Or are victims being under compensated?