Proudest moments

syber rad

New topic time!

Title's pretty self explanatory, but what have been your proudest moments?

My proudest since being back is Oz would have to be:


Each of those eskys are filled to the brim with spirits.

4 days later there was one case and 2 bottles of spirit left.

Brings a tear to my eye, that photo does...
1) getting accepted into NYU and Georgetown undergrad
2) qualifying for the USAMO
3) finishing fourth in the state of Maryland on the UMD math league competition
4) getting an 800 math SAT score
5) getting an 800 math GRE score

lol I'm one of those ppl
well if were talking academia:

Being accepted into the ANU (Australian national uni) undergrad
Having David Attenborough's son supervise my postgrad thesis (in conjunction with the most respected primatologist in the world)
Graduating with first class honours.
Being considered for the Max Planck School of Human Origins
tis indeed. and the girl im chasing is 2 to my left

and i look so unexcited because i was sober and didnt know anyone yet
wait no. the girl two to my right in the white singlet. yellow hat represents australia in ice hockey. and scares me.