GS for CJ and CLO

Yes, I am seeking election to return to the Court as Chief Justice. I know the job, probably as well as anyone since I've had the job twice. I've served under both the previous constitution and under the current constutional system. I'm familar with how our current system works, and understand the limits placed on our judiciary.

These are good credentials to have to a mid-term of office special election. There's no learnung curve, and it's important that there be a functioning court.

Same thing for my decision to run for the CLO. I've chaired it as Speaker, and I've served on it as an elected member. Again, I understand the responsibilities of the job and I won;t need a learning curve to step in. And since the CLO hasn't functioned at all this last term because of a lack of membership, it's good to know that there are people interested this time around.

So this time I'm running as someone who has the experience and know-how, and as someone who as stayed out of the picture for the past year.