Public Broadcasting Service


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
As you know, The North Pacific has a strong history of providing unbiased and reliable sources of information for the public good. Yet, in recent times, interest in media and news reporting has taken a back seat. I believe it is time to change that.

First, I would like to invite all interested members of this forum to help rebuild a public broadcasting service. Under the direction of the Minister of Communications, this service will be run by a Director who will be hired by the Minister. The Director will be in charge of all day-to-day operations, will be the editor-in-chief of the service, and will report to the Minister. In terms of the TNP Public Service, they will also be recognized as Deputy Minister of Communications. Under the Director will be Reporters who will write the news stories.

Before we can do all of that, I would like to open a public consultation process where forum members can submit potential names for this new public broadcasting service. Get your thinking caps on, and please submit a name here in this thread by October 26th, 2009 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.

If you are interested in submitting your name for the position of Director or Reporter, please send me a PM with the following:
-Current and former positions in NS
-Experience in media/communications in NS and/or RL
-A short explanation on why you would like the position
-A 50 to 100 word article on any NS news story or issue, with one picture relevant to the story with caption, and an appropriate subject line for the article.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM.

Thank you.