Haor Chall
The Power of the Dark Side
- TNP Nation
- Haor Chall
Copied from here. I would suggest using this thread for legislative discussions of the below. Discussions of the merits (or lack of) of my decision and the verdict can be had in the discussion thread in the Court.
This trial was for me, if not all others involved, a learning experience. For a wide variety of reasons there were things that did not function well during the trial. As such I have a number of recommendations to make to the Regional Assembly so that future trials, if or when they occur, will hopefully avoid some of the problems that I faced this time around. These are merely my thoughts from the running of this trial which I believe the Regional Assembly may wish to consider.
Firstly, the existing Legal Code for crimes needs to be re-looked at. The definitions of the crimes, such as sedition should be re-written to take into account the wide variety of sources that are linked to – but not part of – the game. The crimes should be expanded – in particular to provide for contempt of court so that future witnesses cannot derail proceedings (or, at least, face consequences for doing so) as happened at the very beginning of this trial.
Though it was not relevant to this trial in the end, sentencing is something which will need to be addressed. The Constitution as it stands only allows for ejection as a punishment for breaking the law. Whilst that would be the sentence I would expect to hand down for treason and serious offences I think that for lesser crimes ejection is a bit extreme and that expulsion/suspension from the Regional Assembly should be considered as could prevention from running for office as might be relevant to certain crimes (election fraud, etc).
Lastly, a more robust and definite procedure for the running of trials should be instituted. I believe that Eluvatar had a proposal along these lines before the Regional Assembly a few months ago, I don’t know whether that proposal died in the Assembly or was just forgotten. Nevertheless I believe that we need to consider the structure of running a trial in a forum environment. The procedures in the old Court Guidelines are too lengthy and based too heavily on “real life” legal systems and as such are too unwieldy – in my opinion – for our forum.
As I say, these are just my thoughts, I am happy to discuss them further with the Regional Assembly although I feel that my current position as Chief Justice means that I should not be the one to create the legislation itself as I may be called upon to review the legislation in the future.
Haor Chall
Chief Justice of The North Pacific
This trial was for me, if not all others involved, a learning experience. For a wide variety of reasons there were things that did not function well during the trial. As such I have a number of recommendations to make to the Regional Assembly so that future trials, if or when they occur, will hopefully avoid some of the problems that I faced this time around. These are merely my thoughts from the running of this trial which I believe the Regional Assembly may wish to consider.
Firstly, the existing Legal Code for crimes needs to be re-looked at. The definitions of the crimes, such as sedition should be re-written to take into account the wide variety of sources that are linked to – but not part of – the game. The crimes should be expanded – in particular to provide for contempt of court so that future witnesses cannot derail proceedings (or, at least, face consequences for doing so) as happened at the very beginning of this trial.
Though it was not relevant to this trial in the end, sentencing is something which will need to be addressed. The Constitution as it stands only allows for ejection as a punishment for breaking the law. Whilst that would be the sentence I would expect to hand down for treason and serious offences I think that for lesser crimes ejection is a bit extreme and that expulsion/suspension from the Regional Assembly should be considered as could prevention from running for office as might be relevant to certain crimes (election fraud, etc).
Lastly, a more robust and definite procedure for the running of trials should be instituted. I believe that Eluvatar had a proposal along these lines before the Regional Assembly a few months ago, I don’t know whether that proposal died in the Assembly or was just forgotten. Nevertheless I believe that we need to consider the structure of running a trial in a forum environment. The procedures in the old Court Guidelines are too lengthy and based too heavily on “real life” legal systems and as such are too unwieldy – in my opinion – for our forum.
As I say, these are just my thoughts, I am happy to discuss them further with the Regional Assembly although I feel that my current position as Chief Justice means that I should not be the one to create the legislation itself as I may be called upon to review the legislation in the future.
Haor Chall
Chief Justice of The North Pacific