Repeal Condemn Nazi Europe

Description: WA Security Council Resolution #3: Condemn NAZI EUROPE shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly abroad,

APPRECIATES that our hallowed halls, and nimble fingered members are united against ideologies of hate, intolerance and prejudgment;

DISAGREES NEVERTHELESS that the region, Nazi Europe, demonstrates any of the spiteful unpleasantries that are traditionally attributed to Nazism;

CERTAIN that the resolution was meant to be a blanketing, and widespread denunciation of Nazism as a whole, and not an explicit attack on the publicly condemned region in question;

REALIZES that basing opinions not on facts, and specifics but on generalizations is discriminative, and in this case, hypocritical;

Hereby repeals “Condemn NAZI EUROPE”.

Votes For: 799

Votes Against: 1,106

[Delegate Votes]

Voting Ends: in 3 days, 12 hours
The word "nazi" does not make the region evil, and their actions have yet to warrant a Condemnation.

Indeed. Calling oneself after something like this might make you an insensitive historically-ignorant dipshit, but not necessarily evil.

But when you will not let RL Jews join your region, you go beyond the roleplay of an internet game. When you start to push a RL prejudice you ought to remain condemned.