Assembly of Experts Appointments

The process of appointing an Assembly of Experts to function as the cabinet of our Islamic Republic has been ongoing. I have the utmost confidence in these following appointments to serve the North Pacific well. Note that I reserve the right to add to this list and will be doing so as the process of finding the right Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is ongoing.

Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance (aka Internal Affairs): Ayatollah Sydia
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ayatollah Eluvatar (pending re-application to the RA)
Minister of Communications and Intelligence: Ayatollah Dalimbar
Minister of Jihad (aka Military): Ayatollah Red Back

The following advisors will also have seats in the Assembly of Experts and should also receive cabinet access:

santa8, Advisor for Recruitment
Loop, Veteran Advisor
Govindia: Advisor for Roleplay

Thank you.