Constitutional ruling requested


Ohello, I need a firm constitutional answer from our fine judiciary.

The constitution sez:

"7. Each Player may, at most, only serve two terms as Delegate consecutively."

Is this two full terms? The US constitution (on which ours liberally helps itself to, given the amount of Americans about the place) has this to say:
"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."

I became delegate on the 22nd of Feb, or thereabouts judging by my topic on becoming delegate (I could subtract the number of days, but I'm crap at maths, so).

Flem, whose term I took over, was elected in (late) September, we then had another election in (early) May. So I was delegate for a fair proportion of Flem's term.

So, my question is; can I legally run for delegate again, or does the term limit apply?
The US constitution says that if you serve over half of someone else's term, it counts as a term (did you serve half?)
As a patriotic brit, I would like to know the relevance of the US constitution?

I would not like to see Sydia penalised by the fact he took over from me mid-term.
Here is the way I see it. Yeah, Syida may not have violated the term limits yet...but at some point in his third term he would inevitably go over the limit and either have to resign or just break the law, no biggie or anything. :lol:


Teh Law:
"7. Each Player may, at most, only serve two terms as Delegate consecutively."

What I just said:
but at some point in his third term he would inevitably go over the limit and either have to resign or just break the law


Uhh, I think I just solved this...
Any time, fellas?

@ Flem - true, but that but of the constitution is pretty much copy pasted from the 22nd Amendment. Without the clarity, though.
The Court finds that the Delegate is not eligible for re-election.

The Constitution states that “Each Player may, at most, only serve two terms as Delegate consecutively." It does not state that a term of office must last for a full election cycle to count as a term and therefore a period in office when assumed part-way through does count against term limits. This makes sense in the context of the historical approach to term limits, under the previous Constitution a term counted against term limits if more than half was served. By this measure the current Delegate would be ineligible for re-election.

However, read as written the current Constitution does not specify a length served to count against term limits and therefore we would view its language as to suggest that any term served in the office of Delegate – for whatever length of term, whether 3 months or 3 days, would count against term limitations.

Though this is now the official interpretation of the law as currently written, I suggest that the Regional Assembly may wish to consider an amendment to specify more precisely the term limit requirements if the current conditions are considered too strict.

Chief Justice Haor Chall
Associate Justice Chowda Head
Associate Justice FALCONKATS