Constitutional Amendment

I propose replacing the existing Constitution in its entirety with the following:


The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of The North Pacific advances the cultural, social, political, and economic institutions of North Pacifican society based on Islamic principles and norms, which represent an honest aspiration of the Islamic Ummah. This aspiration was exemplified by the nature of the great Islamic Revolution of TNP, and by the course of the Muslim people's struggle, from its beginning until victory, as reflected in the decisive and forceful calls raised by all segments of the populations. Now, at the threshold of this great victory, our nation, with all its beings, seeks its fulfillment.

The basic characteristic of this revolution, which distinguishes it from other movements that have taken place in The North Pacific during the past hundred years, is its ideological and Islamic nature. After experiencing the anti-despotic constitutional movement and the anti-Userite movement centered on the nationalization of the RMB, the Muslim people of TNP learned from this costly experience that the obvious and fundamental reason for the failure of those movements was their lack of an ideological basis. Although the Islamic line of thought and the direction provided by militant religious leaders played an essential role in the recent movements, nonetheless, the struggles waged in the course of those movements quickly fell into stagnation due to departure from genuine Islamic positions. Thus it was that the awakened conscience of the nation, under the leadership of Sydia Khumayni, came to perceive the necessity of pursuing a genuinely Islamic and ideological line in its struggles. And this time, the militant 'ulama' of the country, who had always been in the forefront of popular movements, together with the committed writers and intellectuals, found new impetus by following his leadership.
The Form of Government in Islam
In the view of Islam, government does not derive from the interests of a class, nor does it serve the domination of an individual or a group. Rather, it represents the fulfillment of the political ideal of a people who bear a common faith and common outlook, taking an organized form in order to initiate the process of intellectual and ideological evolution towards the final goal, i.e., movement towards Allah. Our nation, in the course of its revolutionary developments, has cleansed itself of the dust and impurities that accumulated during the past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, returning to authentic intellectual standpoints and world-view of Islam. It now intends to establish an ideal and model society on the basis of Islamic norms. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the movement and to create conditions conducive to the development of man in accordance with the noble and universal values of Islam.

With due attention to the Islamic content of our Revolution, the Constitution provides the necessary basis for ensuring the continuation of the Revolution at home and abroad. In particular, in the development of international relations, the Constitution will strive with other Islamic and popular movements to prepare the way for the formation of a single world community (in accordance with the Koranic verse "This your community is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [21:92]), and to assure the continuation of the struggle for the liberation of all deprived and oppressed peoples in the world.

With due attention to the essential character of this great movement, the Constitution guarantees the rejection of all forms of intellectual and social tyranny and economic monopoly, and aims at entrusting the destinies of the people to the people themselves in order to break completely with the system of oppression. (This is in accordance with the Koranic verse "He removes from them their burdens an the fetters that were upon them" [7:157]).

In creating, on the basis of ideological outlook, the political infrastructures and institutions that are the foundation of society, the righteous will assume the responsibility of governing and adMinistering the country (in accordance with the Koranic verse "Verily My righteous servants shall inherit the earth" [21:105]). Legislation setting forth regulations for the administration of society will revolve around the Koran and the Sunnah. Accordingly, the exercise of meticulous and earnest supervision by just, pious, and committed scholars of Islam is an absolute necessity. In addition, the aim of government is to foster the growth of man in such a way that he progresses towards the establishment of a Divine order (in accordance with the Koranic phrase "And toward God is the journeying" [3 28]); and to create favorable conditions for the emergence and blossoming of man's innate capacities, so that the theomorphic dimensions of the human being are manifested (in accordance with the injunction of the Prophet (S) "Mould yourselves according to the Divine morality"); this goal cannot be attained without the active and broad participation of all segments of society in the process of social development.

With due attention to this goal, the Constitution provides the basis of such participation by all members of society at all stages of the political decision-making process on which the destiny of the country depends. In this way during the course of human development towards perfection, each individual will himself be involved in, and responsible for the growth, advancement, and leadership of society. Precisely in this lies the realization of the holy government upon earth (in accordance with the Koranic verse "And we wish to show favor to those who have been oppressed upon earth, and to make them leaders and the inheritors." [28:5]).

The Principles of Governance of the Just Holy Person In keeping with the principles of governance and the perpetual necessity of leadership, the Constitution provides for the establishment of leadership by a holy person possessing the necessary qualifications and recognized as leader by the people (this is in accordance with the saying "The direction of affairs is in the hands of those who are learned concerning God and are trustworthy in matters pertaining to what He permits and forbids"). Such leadership will prevent any deviation by the various organs of State from their essential Islamic duties.

The Economy is a Means, Not an End
In strengthening the foundations of the economy, the fundamental consideration will be fulfillment of the material needs of man in the course of his overall growth and development. This principle contrasts with other economic systems, where the aim is concentration and accumulation of wealth and maximization of profit. In materialist schools of thought, the economy represents an end in itself, so that it comes to be a subversive and corrupting factor in the course of man's development. In Islam, the economy is a means, and all that is required of a means is that it should be an efficient factor contributing to the attainment of the ultimate goal.

From this viewpoint, the economic program of Islam consists of providing the means needed for the emergence of the various creative capacities of the human being. Accordingly, it is the duty of the Islamic government to furnish all citizens with equal and appropriate opportunities, to provide them with work, and to satisfy their essential needs, so that the course of their progress may be assured.

Woman in the Constitution
Through the creation of Islamic social infrastructures, all the elements of humanity that served the multifaceted foreign exploitation shall regain their true identity and human rights. As a part of this process, it is only natural that women should benefit from a particularly large augmentation of their rights, because of the greater oppression that they suffered under the old regime.

The family is the fundamental unit of society and the main center for the growth and edification of human being. Compatibility with respect to belief and ideal, which provides the primary basis for man's development and growth, is the main consideration in the establishment of a family. It is the duty of the Islamic government to provide the necessary facilities for the attainment of this goal. This view of the family unit delivers woman from being regarded as an object or instrument in the service of promoting consumerism and exploitation. Not only does woman recover thereby her momentous and precious function of motherhood, rearing of ideologically committed human beings, she also assumes a pioneering social role and becomes the fellow struggler of man in all vital areas of life. Given the weighty responsibilities that woman thus assumes, she is accorded in Islam great value and nobility.

An Ideological Army
In the formation and equipping of the country's defence forces, due attention must be paid to faith and ideology as the basic criteria. Accordingly, the Army of the Islamic Republic of The North Pacific and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are to be organized in conformity with this goal, and they will be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God's way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world (this is in accordance with the Koranic verse "Prepare against them whatever force you are able to muster, and strings of horses, striking fear into the enemy of God and your enemy, and others besides them" [8:60]).

The Judiciary in the Constitution
The judiciary is of vital importance in the context of safeguarding the rights of the people in accordance with the line followed by the Islamic movement, and the prevention of deviations within the Islamic nation. Provision has therefore been made for the creation of a judicial system based on Islamic justice and operated by just judges with meticulous knowledge of the Islamic laws. This system, because of its essentially sensitive nature and the need for full ideological conformity, must be free from every kind of unhealthy relation and connection (this is in accordance with the Koranic verse "When you judge among the people, judge with justice" [4:58]).

Executive Power
Considering the particular importance of the executive power in implementing the laws and ordinances of Islam for the sake of establishing the rule of just relations over society, and considering, too, its vital role in paving the way for the
attainment of the ultimate goal of life, the executive power must work toward the creation of an Islamic society. Consequently, the confinement of the executive power within any kind of complex and inhibiting system that delays or impedes the attainment of this goal is rejected by Islam. Therefore, the system of bureaucracy, the result and product of old forms of government, will be firmly cast away, so that an executive system that functions efficiently and swiftly in the fulfillment of its administrative commitments comes into existence.

Mass-Communication Media
The mass-communication media, radio and television, must serve the diffusion of Islamic culture in pursuit of the evolutionary course of the Islamic Revolution. To this end, the media should be used as a forum for healthy encounter of different ideas, but they must strictly refrain from diffusion and propagation of destructive and anti-Islamic practices.

It is incumbent on all to adhere to the principles of this Constitution, for it regards as its highest aim the freedom and dignity of the human race and provides for the growth and development of the human being. It is also necessary that the Muslim people should participate actively in the construction of Islamic society by selecting competent and believing officials and keeping close and constant watch on their performance. They may then hope for success in building an ideal Islamic society that can be a model for all people of the world and a witness to its perfection (in accordance with the Koranic verse "Thus We made you a median community, that you might be witnesses to men" [2:143]).

The Assembly of Experts, composed of representatives of the people, completed its task of framing the Constitution, on the basis of the draft proposed by the government as well as all the proposals received from different groups of the people, in one hundred and seventy-five articles arranged in twelve chapters, in 1979, and in accordance with the aims and aspirations set out above, with the hope that this century will witness the establishment of a universal holy government and the downfall of all others.
I am not done copy/pasting the applicable parts of Iran's Constitution yet (which is what this is) and it's 2:30am so I'm going to hit the hay. will finish tomorrow - feel free to offer advice!
Okay or we could go this route and actually have something NS-y....

I. The North Pacific is hereby an Islamic Republic. Islam is the official religion of the North Pacific and regional members are encouraged to sport humorous Islamic-themed avatars and signatures.

II. Nations of the North Pacific are eligible for membership in the Assembly of Experts. The Assembly of Experts shall be the governing body of the region and shall function in a manner not dissimilar to the former Regional Assembly. The Assembly of Experts shall elect a Leader of the Assembly to lead in procedural matters including admission into the Assembly of Experts. Votes within the Assembly of Experts are actually legit and the Supreme Leader may not tamper with them (as he can with votes as outlined in articles IV and V).

III. The Assembly of Experts shall be responsible for electing, dismissing, and supervising a Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader shall hold the Delegacy of the North Pacific while leading the Executive and Judicial branches. The Supreme Leader shall assume the title of Grand Ayatollah and shall appoint a cabinet to assist in the leadership of the Executive Branch. The Supreme Leader may ban any nation of the North Pacific not belonging to the Assembly of Experts at his leisure; if the Assembly of Experts disagrees they may dismiss the Supreme Leader with a majority vote.

IV. The President of the North Pacific shall be responsible for furthering the North Pacific's nuclear program as well as saber-rattling enemy regions in a comical manner. The President shall be elected by anyone with forum access including tourists and ambassadors and the Supreme Leader shall be responsible for determining in a corrupt manner whose votes actually count or not.

V. In situations where a North Pacifican is thought to have violated regional and/or Sharia Law, a trial shall be conducted. Trials in the North Pacific shall be conducted in manner similar to the election of the President. A corrupt vote to determine the defendant's guilt/innocence shall be held; in situations where the defendant is found to be guilty the Supreme Leader shall determine his punishment. Potential punishments include stoning by the masses and other forms of public humiliation including mandatory avatar/signature changes, etc.

VI. In order to enact any sort of actual punishment (actual punishment is defined as removing members from the Assembly of Experts) the Assembly of Experts must vote to remove a member(s) from its ranks.
I. The North Pacific is hereby an Islamic Republic. Islam is the official religion of the North Pacific and regional members are encouraged to sport humorous Islamic-themed avatars and signatures.

II. Nations of the North Pacific are eligible for membership in the Assembly of Experts. The Assembly of Experts shall be the governing body of the region and shall function in a manner not dissimilar to the former Regional Assembly. The Assembly of Experts shall elect a Leader of the Assembly to lead in procedural matters including admission into the Assembly of Experts. Votes within the Assembly of Experts are actually legit and the Supreme Leader may not tamper with them (as he can with votes as outlined in articles IV and V).

III. The Assembly of Experts shall be responsible for electing, dismissing, and supervising a Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader shall hold the Delegacy of the North Pacific while leading the Executive and Judicial branches. The Supreme Leader shall assume the title of Grand Ayatollah and shall appoint a cabinet to assist in the leadership of the Executive Branch. The Supreme Leader may ban any nation of the North Pacific not belonging to the Assembly of Experts at his leisure; if the Assembly of Experts disagrees they may dismiss the Supreme Leader with a majority vote.

IV. The President of the North Pacific shall be responsible for furthering the North Pacific's nuclear program as well as saber-rattling enemy regions in a comical manner. The President shall be elected by anyone with forum access including tourists and ambassadors and the Supreme Leader shall be responsible for determining in a corrupt manner whose votes actually count or not.

V. In situations where a North Pacifican is thought to have violated regional and/or Sharia Law, a trial shall be conducted. Trials in the North Pacific shall be conducted in manner similar to the election of the President. A corrupt vote to determine the defendant's guilt/innocence shall be held; in situations where the defendant is found to be guilty the Supreme Leader shall determine his punishment. Potential punishments include stoning by the masses and other forms of public humiliation including mandatory avatar/signature changes, etc.

VI. In order to enact any sort of actual punishment (actual punishment is defined as removing members from the Assembly of Experts) the Assembly of Experts must vote to remove a member(s) from its ranks.
I'm going to go ahead and motion this to a vote.
I say we become The Pagan Republic of The North Pacific. Islam is too restrictive. . :lol:

(with apologies to Pete Seeger)

Give me that Old Time Religion,
Give me that Old Time Religion,
Give me that Old Time Religion ...
It's good enough for me!

We will worship Aphrodite,
'Though she's kind of wild and flighty -
We will see her in her 'nighty
And that's good enough for me!

We'll sing praises to Apollo;
Where the Sun God leads we'll follow
('Though his head's a little hollow) -
He's good enough for me!

With the aid of my athame
I can throw a "double-whammy"
(And can slice and dice salami!)
So it's good enough for me.

Let us raise a toast to Bachus,
We will raise a royal ruckus,
Then we'll lay us down and frak us -
That's good enough for me.

It was good enough for Buddha,
As a god he kinda cute-a,
And he comes in brass or pewta'
So he's good enough for me!

Well the Christians all are humming
'Cause they say their God is coming;
Our God came three times this evening;
That's good enough for me.

Uncle Crowley was a dreamer
At the Abbey of Thelema
But his magic is a screamer,
So it's good enough for me.

When the clouds they are a'rumbling
And the thunder is a'grumbling,
Then it's Crowley that you're mumbling,
And it's good enough for me!

We will worship Great Cthulhu,
We will worship Great Cthulhu,
And we'll feed him Mr. Sulu
'Cause that's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Dagan,
A conservative old pagan,
Who still votes for Ronald Reagan,
But he's good enough for me!

Well I'm tired of Ronald Reagan,
He's too square to be a pagan,
Let's all vote for Carl Sagan!
He's good enough for me.

We all worshipped Dionysus
'Till we ran into a crisis -
The bar had raised its prices;
That's not good enough for me.

We will worship like the Druids
And drink strange, fermented fluids
And run naked through the woods
'Cause that's good enough for me!

We will go and sing "Hosanna"
To our good ol' pal, Gotamma.
He will never flim or flam ya',
And that's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Isis,
'Cause she comes through in a crisis
And she's never raised her prices
So she's good enough for me.

There are some that call it folly
When we worship Mother Kali.
She may not be very jolly
But she's good enough for me.

Shall we sing in praise of Loki,
Though he left poor Midgard smokey?
Oh, his sense of humor's hokey,
But he's good enough for me.

It was good enough for Loki,
The old Norse god of chaos,
Which is why this verse doesn't rhyme or scan,
But it's good enough for me!

Montezuma liked to start out
Rites by carrying a part out
That would really tear your heart out,
But it's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Odin
Though the tremblin' got forbodin'
Then the giants finally strode in,
But it's good enough for me.

There's that lusty old Priapus -
He's just itching to unwrap us.
(He'd do more to us than tap us
And that's good enough for me!)

Shall we sing a verse for Thor,
Though he leaves the maidens sore?
They always come back for more,
So he's good enough for me!

It was good enough for Venus,
Of the Gods she is the meanest
And she bit me on my ... elbow
But she's good enough for me!

There are those who practice Voodoo,
There are those who practice Voodoo,
I know I do, I hope you do -
It's good enough for me.

Meeting at the Witching Hour
By the Bud and Branch and Flower
Folks are raising up the power
And that's where I want to be.