Over the past several weeks I have been having increasing problems with my computer and monitor. As in, the monitor flashes in for a few seconds and then off for a few seconds, and it sometimes needs up to an hour after being off overnight to show me video images so I can boot up my system.

I'm having other problems with this system I bought back in 2003, so the bottom line is that the old gal is dying, And I know it. I have an invoice payment in the works headed ny way, but it'll be anywhere between next week or the middle of August before it arrives, depending on when it gets mailed out.
So my presence may be sporadic at best until that time.

It may be stable for a few houts a day, or it may not. j

I have today borrowed a monitor, and I'll be moving over the course of August to the other side of town. I'm reasonably confident that in the middle of all of that, I'll get that check, buy a notebook PC, and probably change my ISP to one that offers wireless broadband.

If anything needs immediate attention, send me a PM. Depending on what's going on at the moment, it may take me a day or so the catch up, but I will get to it as quickly as I can.
An updated update:

bETWEEN NOW AND THE END OF AUGUST, I will be in the process of moving across town, and looking for a new notebook computer (this desktop is dying--most of its components date back to 2003) and a new ISP (since I'll need a wireless broadband for the notebook, and not a cable modem.)

So if it seems I haven't been on, then that's why.

If there an admin issue, get a hold of Ator or Flem.

As Speaker I don't have a fixed standby. So I'm going to ask that those requests be directed towards Ator as well. (Sorry, Ator, you knew there had to be a downside to being an admin sooner or later. ;) )

I should be able to pop in during all of this, but I thought I'd better say something now just in case.
Yeah, I'm still available even though I've been quiet - if people could send speaker requests via PM that would be great - I'll make an effort to check my mailbox every day.
At this time, I have moved into a new place with a new norwbook, and a new internet wireless connection. It's going to take days to put away everything, but at least the computer issue is solved.

Notebook btw, is a Toshiba 17-inch screen on Windows Vista, and I've already transferred 20 years worth of files (yes, I do have some that date back to 1988!)

I wanted to get wireless selluar broadband, but it seems they've gone to a 5GB monthly limit these days, and you can use that up in watching streaming videos from Hulu or I have a wireless net in my townhouse, and there's enough free WiFi places around so I won't feel the need to be tied down to one spot.

And I'm also listening to the soundtrack of the Batt;esyar Galactica series from the beginning in season 1 to the recently aired finale in season four. Bear McCreary is a fanrasric composer -- it sounds more like a symphony or opera than a soundtrack.