Ban Adspam


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
Pinpo has proposed that we ban adspam in our region.

We could pass a law making it a criminal offense under TNP law to adspam the region, and asking the Delegate to summarily ban violators (an appeals process would be in place for those wrongly banned, with potentially dire consequences for the delegate).


Several problems: It would require me to be online 24 hours a day 7 days a week (if someone if out of the region more than a few hours I can't ban 'em).

Problem the second: Aside from the above problem, it's also unenforceable in that we've only got a ban capability of 200 nations. We'll rip through this in no time; especially if spammers are feeling...tenacious, they'll just keep creating recruiter nations, moving in, spamming, getting banned, repeat until dead.

Problem the third: We'll win no friends with this idea. We're a feeder and UCRs need to recruit. RMB spamming is permitted by the mods, it's something all feeders have to live with. We get the benefit of not needing to bother recruiting, which I think is giving us a somewhat blinkered view of 'How dare they recruit!'; they recruit to survive!

I ban any particularly crappy or long adspammer on sight. But banning every adspammer would turn us into a laughingstock.
yeah, I couldn't see anything like this really working...the ten line limit works well, but every adspammer is just overkill
All right. I'll focus on alternative methods for warring upon the adspam.

But I do think most UCRs are perfectly happy TGing new nations.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't people allowed to post ads on the RMBs of feeders, no matter weather we like it or not?
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't people allowed to post ads on the RMBs of feeders, no matter weather we like it or not?
There are no game rules forbidding it, just the 'once per 24 hours rule'.

But then there are no game rules forbidding feeder delegates banning whoever they like for whatever reason they like, either.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't people allowed to post ads on the RMBs of feeders, no matter weather we like it or not?
There are no game rules forbidding it, just the 'once per 24 hours rule'.

But then there are no game rules forbidding feeder delegates banning whoever they like for whatever reason they like, either.

Could we at least require all RA members not to adspam the region?

Possibly including any puppets they may have?
Loopholes are fun. :D

I think requiring RA Members to not adspam the region is a good idea. But I think most of our RA members already know that it does no good.
It offers relief against flooding of an RMB, but says nothing of Adspam at the moment.

Perhaps a slight tweak of that section?
All right. Next on my agenda after I figure out how to properly define "Arrest" is to make an amendment to TNP Law 22 to simultaneously make it ok for the Delegate to eject any spammers he feels like.
Several problems: It would require me to be online 24 hours a day 7 days a week (if someone if out of the region more than a few hours I can't ban 'em).

Problem the second: Aside from the above problem, it's also unenforceable in that we've only got a ban capability of 200 nations. We'll rip through this in no time; especially if spammers are feeling...tenacious, they'll just keep creating recruiter nations, moving in, spamming, getting banned, repeat until dead.

Problem the third: We'll win no friends with this idea. We're a feeder and UCRs need to recruit. RMB spamming is permitted by the mods, it's something all feeders have to live with. We get the benefit of not needing to bother recruiting, which I think is giving us a somewhat blinkered view of 'How dare they recruit!'; they recruit to survive!

I ban any particularly crappy or long adspammer on sight. But banning every adspammer would turn us into a laughingstock.