I want to amend the Constitution

"1. The Constitution and Bill of Rights may only be changed via constitutional amendment in the form of 75% Assembly approval in a vote lasting seven days. "

I would like to lower the percent above to 3/5 or if that isn't approved to 2/3.

3/4 is way too high and it makes reasonable changes to difficult.
Your wording for the amendment would be;
"1. The Constitution and Bill of Rights may only be changed via constitutional amendment in the form of 75% 60% Assembly approval in a vote lasting seven days. "

Personally speaking, I don't really see the need for such an amendment - the Constitution is an important document as it defines the entire government of the region, it is only natural that a strong consensus should be required to change it.
*agrees with Syd*

There doesn't appear to be a need to lower the voting percentile, and, in my expierience in other regional assemblies, the constitution has been a well-written code of law that generally doesn't require constant changing. The option for ammending the constitution exists only for truly important matters, and if the matters are really that important, 75% of the RA will probably agree.
Well, in that case, I'll propose 65%, which is more than reasonable.

I assume that the "Main Public Hall" is the forum in which to offer an amendment.
You posted in the right place. This is the place to initially word new laws and debate them. Once you've worded it, it goes in to Formal Discussion & Voting.
If we have a problem getting something passed because not enough people are active or something, then we'll definitely consider something like this. That being said, we haven't had that problem, so for the time being a change is unnecessary.
A.I., please read the various pinned posts on the organization of the RA forums.

The Constitution gives the Speaker the final authority on procedure. Both myself and my predecessors as Speaker under the current Consatitution have worked out informal guidance on the law making process, and we've tried to be consistent in those procedures.

I'll fix the misspelled "amend" in the thread title; but please take note it is "amend" and "amendment" not "ammend" and "ammendment."
