For more years! Or months, or whatever.


Suppose I should make one of these too. I've said elsewhere that I won't make grand statements promising the earth, promising that the region will be magically revived, or trying to relive some mythical golden age; because I can't deliver on that. Nobody can.

What I can promise is to do my job; looking out for the best interests of the region. I can promise to know what it means to be delegate;As such, I can promise to be as representative as possible. I can promise to take on board any suggestions anybody in the region makes (for whatever purpose, although the priority at the moment is obvious), regardless of who they are.
I can promise to make the region as welcoming as possible. I can promise that I'll bear in mind it's only a game.These are the things I can deliver.
Since no one is posting here. I figured I'd get the ball rolling.

I won't even try to make u look bad by replying to the comments in your speech. But man...this had me cracking up:
from the WFE:
And if the old guard still offend,
They got nothing left on which you depend,
So enlist every ounce,
Of your bright blood,
And off with their heads!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Syd...u do know u are Old Guard don't you? I mean really man...if u are trying to snow the citizens in the region by posting that...I am sorry...but I will not allow them to be duped into thinking u are not "old Guard" along with Flem.