Repeal "Nuclear Arms Possession Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #10
Proposed by: Kohlhaasenbruck
Description: WA Resolution #10: Nuclear Arms Possession Act (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The World Assembly,
BELIEVING that nuclear weapons are incompatible with human survival;
NOTING that what distinguishes nuclear weapons from traditional ones is the enourmous number of civilians killed by the former;
OUTRAGED by the fact that this resolution doesn't put any limits in the use of nuclear weapons, but consider them as traditional weapons, putting by doing this in severe risk the existance itself of many WA nations;
NOTING that nuclear weapons produce radioactive fallout that can cause cancers, birth defects, and genetic damage for decades after they are used and that only nuclear weapons, used in sufficient numbers, could cause a nuclear winter ending human life on Earth.
DISMAYED by the fact that the resolution doesn't give any guidance on how to 'take every available precaution to ensure that their weapons do not fall into the wrong hands';
BELIEVING that WA nations should be the first to give the example of non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and should fight together with economic and military means against aggressive non-WA nations;
FURTHER OUTRAGED by the fact that this resolution is only a liberalization of Nuclear Weapons' use without setting any kind of rules or limitations who can garantee the security of our people;
SEEKING the opportunity to estabilish a better resolution involving the national security problem of WA nations, who takes into consideration human rights and the risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons;
HEREBY REPEALS the Nuclear Arms Possession Act.
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