Ator People
I, Ator People, as Vice Delegate and therefore chair of the Security Council, recommend the following nations for membership in the Security Council, as per Part III of the recently passed Security Council Amendments.
Former English Colony
Mr Sniffles
Zemnaya Svoboda
Great Bights Mum
Former English Colony
Mr Sniffles
Zemnaya Svoboda
Great Bights Mum
http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?showtopic=5286:PART III. Implementation
1.Within five days of the adoption of these amendments, as approved by the Regional Assembly by a three-fourths supermajority vote, the Vice Delegate shall submit a list, with the consent of the Delegate, of those Nations who appear to meet the trust and influence requirements adopted by these amendments, and who appear to be reasonably capable of meeting the endorsement levels adopted by these amendments.
2. Each Nation contained in the list shall be considered approved for membership on the Council unless a two-thirds supermajority of the Assembly separately disapproves of such Nation’s membership on the Council within five days of receipt of the list.
3. After the initial Council membership is seated, these implementation provisions shall be considered repealed.