The RA forums (UPDATED 28 Feb 2012)

You may have noticed a slight change in how the RA forums are organized, and some subtle renaming to reflect the way the RA will function.

The Main Entry is a general discussion area for the Regional Assembly members, and for those holding a TNP Citizen or Registered Citizen mask. General discussions, not dealing with the development of legislation, should take place here. Announcements and general reports not requiring an R.A. debate or vote will also be placed in this area.

Committee of the Whole is the area previously called "Preliminary Discussions." Threads to discuss and develop legislation, or reports that require a discussion or vote by the Regional Assembly should go here. Where it becomes clear that a proposal is ready for formal debate, then a thread will then be opend in the appropriate subforum. Only those with Regional Assembly masking may post in this subforum, while citizens and some other users may read the posts in this subforum.

Main Public Hall is the area for formal discussion of legislation headed for a vote. A separate thread will be opened for voting. Discussion threads remain open until voting concludes. Only those with Regional Assembly masking may post in this subforum, while Citizens and some other users may read the posts in this subforum.

There are secured areas in the Private Halls for discussion of matters that relate to homeregion security. Only those with Regional Assembly membership may read or post in those areas.
Because of some lack of clarity that has developed over the last three years (!) the descriptions in the above post have been clarified to make clear where TNP Citizens and Registered Citizens may post and discuss matters of interest to the Regional Assembly. This ability has always been intended, but it hasn't always been understood.
Those with either Citizen mask may start or post in threads in the Main Entry area; R.A. members and government officials are requested to post threads relevant to action that may be required by the Regional Assembly in either the Committee of the Whole, the Main Public Hall, or in the Private Halls if it relates to homeregion security.