Voting schedule

There are five proposals that are ready for a vote in the Regional Assembly"
  • A constitutional amendment offered by Haor Chall, converning the required votes cast to elect a Delegate or Vice Delegate;
  • A proposed law offered by Mr. Sniffles, to create the independent office of Attorney General;
  • A proposed law offered by Grosseschnauzer to revise the Election Law, Law 25;
  • A proposed RA procedure, offered by Mr. Sniffles, on Speaker lobbying'
  • A proposed RA procedure, offered by Grosseschnauzer, on absentions.
Voting on these proposals will open this evening at 2300 GMT, Monday 2 February 2009 (6:00 pm EST) and will close at 2300 GMT Monday 9 February 2009 (6:00 pm EST).

EDIT: Threads are now open.
A package of amendments to the Constitution and the Legal Code concerning the Security Council is currently expected to go to a vote at 0000 GMT Thursday, 19 February (7:00 pm EST Wednesday,18 February).
A tthree-fourths majority approval of those RA members voting will be required for the package to pass.
I've sent out a mass PM to all RA members on the four proposals that are now in formal discussion.

Unless the conversation on a particular proposal indicates a need for a longer period of formal discussion, I [lan to move these to a vote by Thursday of this week (3/19).
I expect to bring the four proposals currently in Formal Discussion to a vote starting tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 0000GMT or as soon after that as I can get the voting threads set up.
Reminders will be sent out to all RA members probably on Sunday.
Since there is evidence that a quorum of the RA participated in the ongoing judicial election, I'm going to start a revore on three proposals that did not reach quorum a few weeks ago.

I am also going to PM all current RA members and allow them to send me a response with instructions to note their votes as "FOR' "AGAINST" and treat any other response as "Present" in order to establish a quorum on this three proposals.

The general elections get under way at the beginning of May, so I want to finish these up before hand.

Does anyone have a problems with doing the revote this way?

Edited to add: The re-votes will begin at 0000GMT tonight (8:00 PM EDT). The mass PM will be sent out before then. Any responses containing votes or an appearance for quorum will be quote posted in the corresponding thread if a vote isn't posted in the thread.