Diplomatic Corps: Organizational Code

The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps
Organisational Code

Applications to join the Diplomatic Corp are made to the Ministry of External Affairs and are decided upon at the discretion of the Minister. Normally we will aim to give Diplomatic Corp members a choice of regions where they can be assigned, for various reasons this may not always be possible.

Standard procedure will be that Ambassadors will remain with the region(s) they are originally designated but if an Ambassador is not happy with his location the MoEA will look to move the Ambassador as quickly as possible to a different embassy.

Code of Conduct in our Embassies

We remind all Diplomatic Corp members that when abroad they are frequently acting in an official capacity representing The North Pacific. As such care should be taken to act in the best possible manner, remembering that you will representing The North Pacific to other regions.

We do encourage you to participate in OOC threads and debates on other regions forums, as we believe that makes things more enjoyable for you but also helping to strengthen ties between regions. If you become friendly with the members of the region you are our Ambassador to then that can only help to improve our foreign relationships.

Those who bring the Diplomatic Corp, and The North Pacific, into disrepute when acting abroad will be removed from their position and from the Diplomatic Corp. Further action, if needed, will be taken through the courts.

Powers of Negotiation

Our Ambassadors are authorised to negotiate on behalf of The North Pacific with the government of the regions they are assigned to, on matters decided by the MoEA. Ambassadors who misuse this power will be removed from their position and the Diplomatic Corp. When negotiating abroad Ambassadors are expected to follow the line of The North Pacific’s current policy and regional interest rather than their own individual beliefs where these may be in conflict.

The MoEA will decide who will be involved in negotiations over alliances, mutual defence treaties or any binding agreements. These must also be voted on by the Regional Assembly, in-line with the Constitution. Ambassadors, however, will frequently be responsible for dealing directly with foreign governments at the direction of the MoEA.

Signature Policy

All ambassadors, when working abroad, should have a link to the TNP forum and "Ambassador from The North Pacific" in their signature. There are no rules on what else you wish to put in your sig, as long as those two requirements are met.

Positions in the Diplomatic Corp


The Ambassador-General is appointed by the Minister of External Affairs and is the nominal head of the Diplomatic Corp. They are responsible for maintaining and updating the list of Diplomatic Corp staff and reporting any problems to the MoEA.

Senior Ambassadors:

Senior Ambassadors are those members of the Diplomatic Corp with more experience and who frequently will have served for some time as an Ambassador. Generally designated to larger or unstable regions or where The North Pacific has an important interest or that requires a more experienced diplomat.


Ambassadors are the most important link between The North Pacific and other regions. Their responsibilities extend much further than simply posting updates. They are expected to carry themselves responsibly and to remember than when abroad they are representing The North Pacific.


Consuls are similar to Ambassadors but staff our Consulates around the world. Consulates are maintained with regions which The North Pacific wishes to remain in communication with but are not allies or regions of significant importance to our foreign policy.

Special Envoy:

In the event of an international summit or convention where The North Pacific is to be represented, or any other international event or special circumstance, a Special Envoy will be appointed. Depending on the nature and importance of the event this may be a member of the Diplomatic Corp, the MoEA or another member of the Cabinet.

Authored by Haor Chall.
Will be undergoing some review.