TEP Magistrar Sign ups!

Looking for some action? Searching for changes? Want to be heard, but just feel like no one is listening to you? Tired of all these rhetorical questions?

Well, don’t worry; I’ll stop that for now.

The East Pacific is looking for members to vote into its Magisterium, or legislative body. Think congress, or a senate. We extend this invitation to all who are interested and willing. Whether you’re a feederite or userite, a casual player or really intense about the game (for reasons we don’t need to know about ^^ ), raider or defender, you might have a chance to be elected as a Magistrar of TEP! Just another way to get more involved in the game and avoid studying for tests, feeding the kids, writing that term paper for the boss, or… other internet-related activities…

"Why do we want me?"
If you’re really wondering, it could be time for intervention and some good confidence-building exercises (which actually works well in our region! Amazing!). Seriously, though. We’re a region of positive change, looking for the able and bright minds of NS to get involved and help us with our government!

"What will I be expected to do?"
It’s all described on the forums (here), but essentially, you’re a congressman or woman in the Magisterium of TEP. You bring dynamic and thought-provoking ideas to our government and can directly affect how things run. Want a Shamwow holiday? Looking for a place to express your NS ideas and have them heard? Want to meet new people? You’d be a good fit!

"I think Todd’s insane…"
You have no idea. And if you act now, you’ll get a title! How does this sound? (Your nation’s name), Magistrar of The East Pacific, the most energized region in Nationstates. I think it fits you perfectly, you who I have no idea is reading this! Give it a shot! Test your skills! BECOME THE KING OF EVERYTHING AND ALL THAT YOU CARE ABOUT! (okay… maybe not that far…).

"Where do I sign up???"
Glad you asked. That would be right here. Be sure that you’re a citizen first, then go here. It’s a snap! And no, we hold no restrictions. No age limits. No cultural limitations. No ‘You must be this tall to ride the Magisterium!’ signs…


And remember, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” It starts and ends with you. If you’re concerned about NS’s activity dropping, we can certainly count on you being there with us, right?

It is good to see TEP active and pulling together to build for the future.

I would just gently remind you that there is a longstanding convention that Feeders do not recruit from one another.

It is good to see TEP active and pulling together to build for the future.

I would just gently remind you that there is a longstanding convention that Feeders do not recruit from one another.
Well, I didn't want to have this viewed as a recruitment, but more or less getting people involved in multiple feeders. It would increase interactions between, say, TEP and TNP. That was the intent. I apologize if it was viewed in a different light.
Fairy snuff. I have been known to be involved in TEP myself from time to time.

It would be good to talk about possible areas of interraction between our regions some time.
I couldn't agree more. I am free to talk pretty much whenever, and I'm best reached on AIM or MSN, which should be in my profile here.