Procedure of the Security Council.
1. General.
a. The Security Council shall be set out as per Constitution Article V.
2. The Chair of the Council
a. The Vice Delegate runs the day-to-day business of the Security Council, whose task it is to lay out a uniform set of guidelines by which proposed actions may be considered and voted upon.
b. In the event that the Vice Delegate is unable or unavailable to handle the above duties, the Acting Chair who shall temporary runs the day-to-day business of the Security Council will be the nation with the longest length of service on the Council.
3.The appointment of a member to the Security Council.
a. The Council shall admit by majority vote those applicants who the Council determines are not a Security Risk to the North Pacific and have meet the minimum Influence and endorsement levels prescribed by law.
b. The minimum period of discussion is two days and the minimum voting period is three days. A majority of votes cast is required.
4.The termination of a member from the Security Council.
a. The Assembly may terminate an exemption of a particular Council member from Regional Assembly membership for being a Security Risk by a two-thirds supermajority vote.
b. The minimum period of discussion is two days and the minimum voting period is three days. A two-thirds supermajority vote cast is required.
5. Advising the region of a security threat.
a. The Council may advise the Delegate and the Speaker of the Assembly concerning existing or potential security threats to the Region. The nation will be declared a security risk by a majority of votes.
b. The minimum period of discussion is two days and the minimum voting period is two days. A majority of votes cast is required.
6. Order of succession
a. The Council may, by majority vote, recommend an order of succession to the Delegacy beyond the Vice Delegate among members of the Security Council who are members of the Assembly. The order of succession shall be determined first, by length of current service on the Council, and if necessary, then by influence level, and then by endorsement level of Council members who have equal levels of service and then, of equal influence level.
b. The minimum period of discussion is three days and the minimum voting period is three days. A majority of votes cast is required.