Outer Kharkistania

Greetings. As Defense Minister, I am happy to report that the reactivation of the North Pacific Army is complete. While we still have a long way to go, we have hopefully achieved a base level of activity that we can continue to build upon in the weeks ahead.
In Celebration of this occasion, I am proud to inaugurate the Great Northern Fleet, an NPA Friendship Tour of our sister feeders. The goal is to build or strengthen our bonds with our fellow Pacifics, The Rejected Realms, and Lazarus, as well as to reintroduce The North Pacific to the NS world. For far too long have we been viewed as something of an inactive backwater, and I want to help change that perception.
The general plan is as follows-
Upon entering a region, we will introduce ourselves on the Regional Message board, and the WA's among us will endorse the sitting delegate. Then we distribute the Rum, clear the adspam off the RMB, and throw a nice party for the Natives.

We'll start by making our way to the Pacific, the oldest feeder and a strong ally of TNP; then make our way to The West Pacific to visit their vibrant community. After that, we voyage to newly-Free TEP to form a relationship with the newly restored Confederacy before traveling to The South Pacific to see what they are up to these days. Finally, we will spin by both The Rejected Realms and Lazarus to visit the newly ejected and restored nations in those regions.
We'll be spending approximately one day in each region before moving onto the next one. Additionally, the itinerary might change as I still have to inform the governments of these regions that we are coming.
While this is primarily an NPA operation, I invite everyone who wants to join us to bring a nation and do so- the more the merrier they say! Depending on how fast I get approval and how quickly I can get the NPA mobilized, we should be starting sometime today or tomorrow.
Some general guidelines:
1) Anyone who takes part is representing The North Pacific, and should behave with respect towards those we're visiting.
2) Don't advertise for TNP or any of its institutions. We'll only be mentioning TNP, the NPA, etc during the initial greeting, or conversationally if anyone asks us who we are.
Other than that, I expect this to be a blast to to put us back on the NS radar screen, as well as get rid of some of that ugly adspam and stir up some activity!
-Minister Kharkistania-