Current Research Status

At this point, there seems to be no interest for formal instruction within the university.

Therefore, at least for now, we will focus solely on research. This includes both the building up of a University library and also developing well thought out courses.

If you are interested in helping, send me a PM.
Current To-Do List

Stage 1 - Compile Data
STATUS: In progress
  • Compile a list of all TNP government officers throughout history. List who they ran against and what the results were. In the end, they should also be listed in time line format.STATUS: In progress, Ator People
  • Create a timeline of TNP delegates and 'governments,' meaning which Constitutions, or entities that claimed they were the government, were in effect during which times. Include all relevant links. STATUS: Not yet begun
  • Create similar timelines with the same information for every other feeder region. STATUS: Not yet begun
  • Write a history on every delegate in TNP's history. How they came into power, how they lost their power, who supported them, who opposed them, who they ejected, what their major accomplishments, etc. STATUS: Not yet begun
  • Write similar histories for all other feeder regions. STATUS: Not yet begun
Stage 2 - Conduct Interviews
STATUS: Not yet begun

Stage 3 - Analyze Data
STATUS: Not yet begun

If you would like to help with anything, or if you have suggestions for projects, just post here!