I fully intend to make every cabinet member liable for the actions of their subordinates and responsible for the activity required by the position. If not said member will be replaced by one of their own subordinates.
No government office will go inactive under my watch,
(Source: Tresville's "mini speech" on becoming delegate.
Management of our embassies.
I have been an ambassador since November 10th, but this is largely a paper exercise, since no updates have been published, and no instructions given to ambassadors.
On 15th November, Kor promised an update "in a couple of days". It never materialised.
on 14th December I posted a direct question to Ann about this. SHe has not responded.
Management of foreign embassies
On 5th December, TKR requested an embassy/consulate
On 12th and 14th december they poked.
On 15th December Ann apologised for the delay, and granted the consulate.
It still has not been opened.
It is not as if Ann is inactive. She is running for Mayor in TWP. She is just inactive HERE.
In a time of war and where NS is becoming increasingly shaped by a web of alliances and alignments, our Foreign office should be the most active aspect of the region.
A simple question:
Will you keep to your promise on election, and replace Ann?