Retaining Recall and Repealing Impeachment

A Constitutional Amendment repealing impeachment and adopting recall as the removal method of elected or appointed officeholders.

1. Section 3 of Article II of the Constitution be amended to read as follows:

Section 3: Legislative Action

1. The Assembly is authorized to create, maintain, and amend as needed the North Pacific's legal documents and institutions, which shall serve as a body of laws binding upon the region, the forums, and its Nations and/or Players.
2. Only Assembly-members may bring up impeachment charges against any member of the Government. The Assembly is the jury for all impeachment cases.
32. The Assembly may subpoena members of the Government to give sworn testimony before the Assembly.
43. The Assembly may remove any member of the Government holder of any elected or appointed office or position by a motion of recall approved by a two-thirds supermajority of the Regional Assembly.
54. Any agreement or treaty signed with a foreign region or organization must be introduced to the Assembly by the Minister of External Affairs or Delegate.
65. The Assembly is granted the power to legislate rules and institutions necessary and proper to carry out the mandates of this Constitution.
76. All bills require a quorum of either 15 members or 30% of the RA, whichever is higher.

2. Any other references in the Constitution, the Bill of Rignts, or the Legal Code to "impeachment" or its variants are to be changed to "recall" or its variants; and "articles of impeachment" shall be changed to "motion for recall."
Well, presumably the RA would remove any member of the Government by an impeachment motion, approved by a two-thirds supermajority of the Regional Assembly.

Or we could use the Courts?

So you want to rename recall to impeachment?

The idea makes some sense as it is impeachment by the legislature. So does recall though, as currently the Legislature is the electorate.
I think just impeachment sounds better and more appropriated badass. Recall sounds too nice.


Or I was just high on Dr. Pepper at work, in which ignore it.
The problem is that the impeachment procedure is ill-defined. All the Constitution tells us is that a RA member must bring the charges, that there is a trial, and that the RA is the jury.
The recall procedure is more fully stated, but is currently limited to the Executive.
Between the two clauses, the recall process can more easily be expanded to include everyone who has to take an oath of office.
The promoters of the current Constitution promoted simplification. Eluvatar posted a recent chat with Monte Ozurka, and the intent was to have one procuedre. The last Constitution was evolving towards use of the Recall procedure for removal. Under the Bill of Rights, the subject of a recall motion would have the right to a hearing, and the RA would still have the power of subpoena.
Recall is a simplier. faster method to a constitutionally fair method for removal. That is why I drafted this proposal in the manner I did. (Of course, it tales fewer strokes to type recall over impeachment, which makes the sentences shorter. :) )
4. Any agreement or treaty signed with a foreign region or organization must be introduced to the Assembly by the Minister of External Affairs or Delegate.
Can we add some type of number by which any treaty is passed.

I would not accept any treaty that doesn't get a super majority vote by the RA (once quorum is met). But thats me. A new delegate may have an agenda and allow a simple majority treaty to pass causing a division in the RA. I think this is something we should prevent.
That's a different proposal Tres. That one needs to take out the reference to the Minister of External Affairs as well, since that office isn't created in the Constitution. State what supermajority to want and I'll post another proposal to change it.
I think just impeachment sounds better and more appropriated badass. Recall sounds too nice.


Or I was just high on Dr. Pepper at work, in which ignore it.
I associate Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger, mostly cause of that movie and also I guess that election thing. So I get vague imposing pictures of mars.

Anyway, I'm good with this.
Because Tres' request concerning the treasty language is a different topic that impeachment/recall, I posted the proposal in a different thread: (link)

As to the Governator, California's simultaneous recall/replacement system really is a bit wierd.
I just realized that there are the odd references to "impeachment" and its variants (the verb in its different verb tenses) in various places so I've added a directory sentence to the proposal directing that those references to impeachment are to be changed to recall. It would be implemented by the editor who edits in the amendment in the official text should this proposal pass.