At Vote: Repeal "Prevention of Terrorism"


Repeal "Prevention of Terrorism"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #12
Proposed by: Wachichi

Description: WA Resolution #12: Prevention of Terrorism (Category: International Security; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: ACKNOWLEDGING the resolution’s valiant effort to fight and eliminate both international and internal terrorism,

NOTING that the Prevention of Terrorism resolution fails to ever define or interpret what constitutes a terrorist, terrorist organization, or terrorism,

REGRETTING that the proposal allows too broad an interpretation of the controversial words mentioned above,

REALIZING that such undefined terms could lead to false accusations between member states toward possibly innocent and neutral states, which could lead to declarations of war, and endangering international peace,

NOTING that the resolution in question does not outline any specific steps or take any concrete action that would actually protect WA member states from terrorism;

FURTHER NOTING that the resolution does not bar member states from providing financial or material support for terrorist individuals or organizations;

FURTHER REGRETTING that the resolution in question prevents more effective legislation on terrorism from being introduced;

SEEKING an opportunity to establish a better, more accurate resolution to help more effectively fight global terrorism with well established definitions of those mentioned in this and former Resolutions,

The World Assembly hereby repeals the “Prevention of Terrorism” resolution.

Votes For: 2,609

Votes Against: 804

Voting Ends: Sat Nov 15 2008

4 for 3Against

Voted for the proposal.
I would like to note that our own Atrigea was the author of this proposal.

I'll go poke them to defend it in this thread I guess.
Unfortunately, I and some of the other respectable gentlemen at the WA forums voiced our opposition to resolution #12 when it was in drafting stages, for the reasons stated in this proposed repeal.

As much as I respect our good Atrigea, I'm going to have to cast my vote in support.

But lets hope those repeal-loving gremlins don't take a look at my resolution, next in line (there was talk of it)...I'll just have to pass another. :eyeroll: