Proposal to revise TNP Law 1

Gracius Maximus

Tyrant (Ret.)
In order to bring the Legal Code into full compliance with the Constitution of The North Pacific and streamline the verbage so that every citizen can understand the workings of the government, we, the Court of The North Pacific propose the following modification to TNP Law. (NOTE: We are aware that there was a recent vote to alter one small part of the Law but since this is more all encompassing believe it to be relevant.)

TNP Law 1
Oath of Office

Section 1: Scope of Effect

1 - All government officials, including Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Prime Minister, UN Regional Delegate, Attorney General, and other offices created hrough Ministerial Directive, Legislation through The North Pacific Legal Code, or Amendment to The Constitution of The North Pacific, be they the WA Regional Delegate, all Cabinet members and Government Officials, elected or appointed to office, to ensure and protect the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Regional Security, shall henceforth be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this Act before assuming their elected or appointed role within the government of The North Pacific.

2 - All Government Officials, as listed in Clause 1 of this Section, shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of assuming office. Any Government Officials already in office at the time of this bill's passage shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of this bill's passage, or face removal from office, in accordance with Section 3, Clause 2 of this Act Any government official that fails to do so within the allotted time shall be subject to removal from office following a trial of impeachment in accordance with the Constitution of The North Pacific.

Section 2: Oath of Office

The following Oath of Office shall be required for all Government Officials, as according to Section 1 of this Act:

I, (insert forum username), do hereby solemnly swear that during my duly elected/appointed term as (insert government position), I will uphold the ideals of democracy, freedom, and justice of the region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and unbiased manner, not abusing my power, committing misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, in any gross or excessive manner. I will act only in the best interests of The North Pacific, not influenced by personal gain or any outside force, and within the restraints of my legally granted power. As such, I hereby take up the office of (insert government position), with all the powers, rights, and responsibilities held therein.

Section 3: Penalties for Violation

1 - This Oath shall be binding on all government officials as previously covered, and violations of said Oath may be grounds for indictment of impeachment charges in a legal Court of The North Pacific, pursuant to the guidelines and procedures laid out in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice a trial of impeachment in accordance with the Constitution of The North Pacific.

2 - Any Government Official required to take the Oath of Office as listed in Section 1, Clause 1 of this bill that fails to do so within the allotted time set forth in Section 1, Clause 2 of this Act shall be subject to removal from office following a trial as set forth in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.

For clarification this is what the final draft will look like without colors:

TNP Law 1
Oath of Office

Section 1: Scope of Effect

1 - All government officials, including the WA Regional Delegate, all Cabinet members, elected or appointed, shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this Act before assuming their elected or appointed role within the government of The North Pacific.

2 - All government officials, as listed in Clause 1 of this Section, shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of assuming office.  Any government official that fails to do so within the allotted time shall be subject to removal from office following a trial of impeachment in accordance with the Constitution of The North Pacific.

Section 2: Oath of Office

The following Oath of Office shall be required for all Government Officials, according to Section 1 of this Act:

I, (insert forum username), do hereby solemnly swear that during my duly elected/appointed term as (insert government position), I will uphold the ideals of democracy, freedom, and justice of the region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and unbiased manner, not abusing my power, committing misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, in any gross or excessive manner. I will act only in the best interests of The North Pacific, not influenced by personal gain or any outside force, and within the restraints of my legally granted power. As such, I hereby take up the office of (insert government position), with all the powers, rights and responsibilities held thereof.

Section 3: Penalties for Violation

1 - This Oath shall be binding on all government officials as previously covered, and violations of said Oath may be grounds for a trial of impeachment in accordance with the Constitution of The North Pacific.
Yup, it just removes inaccurate or old wording and replaces it with more accurate, up-to-date wording.

And, um, that's the idea.

It's not supposed to be especially controversial. It just doesn't look good (or make much sense or stand us in good stead when/if anyone argues over legal "technicalities") for the Law to still refer to the UN Delegate for instance, we don't have one anymore. Nor are Ministers/Deputies the same as they used to be (Deputies no longer being defined in law for example).

It might not be particularly exciting or sexy, it's just clearing up bits and pieces that need clearing up.
Hersfold isn't gonna like you very much. (He wrote Law 1, btw.) :lol:
See my signature for Hersfold's true feelings for me.

Aside from that, this isn't any drastic change, it is simply some updating and rewording to conform to the present Constitution. I am sure Hersfold would understand the need for an update after a governmental change.