**Note** All members in this room were made aware that the chat is public and will be recorded.
Room is Moderated
Gov Officials are OPS
RA and citizens voiced
Visitors are devoiced
[21:45] <Cisco> <start Transcript>
[21:45] <Cisco> First topic is Defense and security
[21:46] <Cisco> that includes spam busting and controlling the RMB
[21:46] <Cisco> i have spoken with Moo and we will begin some interregional Spam busting and possible military actions together
[21:46] <Cisco> I hope to extend that to other feeders
[21:47] <Khark> With the Azure Articles, right?
[21:47] <Cisco> no
[21:47] <Cisco> I am not working on azzure yet
[21:48] <Cisco> I am still taking care of loose ends left over from the past administration and am busy getting the ministries running
[21:48] <Cisco> which includes cracking down on spammers and communicating with the leaders of other regions
[21:48] * Ann has joined #thenorthpacific
[21:49] * Cisco sets mode: +o Ann
[21:49] <Ann> Is the dicussion still going on
[21:49] <Cisco> just started
[21:49] <Ann> Yay, I'm here now cause i'm part of government now
[21:49] <Cisco> I still need for Elu to start organizing the ISa
[21:49] <Ann> ISA?
[21:49] <Cisco> Sydia is doing a bang up job in Entertainment
[21:50] <Cisco> Intel and Security Agency
[21:50] <Ann> ah
[21:50] <Cisco> Ann has begun in FA...I unpinned a few of the threads so u can start fresh Ann
[21:50] <Ann> ty
[21:51] <Ann> I'll get to it later
[21:51] <Cisco> the embassy and consulate requests for the month of september and october should be processed
[21:51] <Cisco> nevermind any before that
[21:51] <Cisco> just make sure u state that we can close a consulate or embassy whenever we want for whatever reason
[21:52] <Cisco> you also should be careful where u send certain people
[21:53] * Ann looks to see if Khark is here
[21:53] <Ann> nevermind
[21:53] <Cisco> Gov for instance...can't be sent to most feeders or the FRA...should we open a embassy there
[21:53] <Khark> Yes, I am here
[21:53] <Ann> Gov want to me DMoEA
[21:53] <Cisco> Khark can't be sent to TWP either
[21:53] <Khark> I'm already in TWP
[21:53] <Khark> I'm in the Black Sheep
[21:53] <Ann> yeah cisco
[21:53] <Cisco> not as a diplomat
[21:54] <Cisco> from tnp
[21:54] <Ann> I'm in TWP as a diplomat
[21:54] <Khark> I'm in the heart of your security apparatus
[21:54] <Blue_Wolf> I R EVVRYWEAR
[21:54] <Khark> Actually, he is.
[21:54] <Khark> I just do his bidding
[21:54] <Khark>
[21:55] <Cisco> U shouldn't send yourself there either Ann
[21:55] <Cisco> your already involved
[21:55] <Ann> No, from Bartos, I never said from TNP
[21:55] <Cisco> If you want to make Gov your deputy...fine...I would suggest otherwise
[21:55] <Cisco> do some research on him and u will see why
[21:55] <Ann> I never said I wanted to
[21:55] <Ann> he asked me
[21:56] <Cisco> ok...just had to mention it
[21:56] <Ann> I know who Gov is
[21:56] <Cisco> good
[21:57] <Cisco> I have to give Ator a quick kick in the pants as he hasn't done much in internal affairs
[21:57] <Cisco> The judges should be getting their masking soon
[21:57] <Cisco> so that they can view the cabinet discussion forums
[21:57] <Cisco> not that I will be using them...
[21:57] <Ann> As a native TWPer would I ever give a govermental post to Ram?
[21:58] <Cisco> no comment
[21:58] <Cisco> on the grounds that it may incriminate me
[21:58] <Grosseschnauzer> justice masking in cabninet already taken care of
[21:58] <Ann> ty Gross
[21:59] <Cisco> oh...if your RA...I would like to ask if you could join the NPA, Spam Busters and diplomatic corps
[21:59] <Cisco> we need to fill those slots
[22:00] <Khark> indeed
[22:00] <Ann> I might join the NPA
[22:00] <Cisco> NPA is a standing army
[22:00] <Khark> its ever so fun
[22:00] <Blue_Wolf> I'm ever so fun
[22:00] <Cisco> soon though...those who can move...will
[22:00] <Khark> yes, join us
[22:00] <Cisco> the other members should be helping with spam busting and securing the region
[22:01] <Cisco> we need recruiters as well...I recruit everytime I endorse people
[22:02] <Khark> use the toaster guys
[22:02] <Khark> I think elu needs to change the message though
[22:02] <Khark> last I checked, it was still an NPA recruitment message
[22:02] * Moo|Work is now known as Moo-Cows
[22:02] <Cisco> Elu will be setting toaster up for the recuiters
[22:03] <Cisco> we already spoke about that
[22:04] <Cisco> I placed a new banner up for your comments
[22:04] <Cisco> I took your suggestions and redid it
[22:04] <Cisco> That covers most of what I wanted to speak about
[22:04] <Cisco> anyone have a question, comment?
[22:04] <Grosseschnauzer> the latest banner is more readable
[22:04] <Cisco> I have gotten some positive responses from recruiters by the way
[22:05] <Cisco> what did u think of the motto?
[22:05] <Cisco> I will be working on the icons and bkgrnd soon
[22:05] <Grosseschnauzer> hhave to thibk bout that -- I was looking at the color and contrast
[22:07] <Cisco> well folks..if their is nothing else...I have people to do..things to see....its Friday!
[22:07] <Ann> lol
[22:07] <Grosseschnauzer> as long as y'all are here the government offices redirect forum can't be made a subforum of the welcome subforum. it would need third degree subforums which we can't make.
[22:07] <Ann> Cisco has admin on TNP right?
[22:07] <Grosseschnauzer> do we leave as is or delete it?
[22:07] <Cisco> Kill it
[22:08] <Cisco> I will be working with Ator to redo the welcome section and the yellow pages
[22:08] <Cisco> and the map
[22:08] <Cisco> and the historical society
[22:08] <Cisco> etc
[22:08] <Cisco> public services that should help newbies
[22:08] <Cisco> we need some fresh blood
[22:09] <Cisco> I can't keep recruiting memebers from other regions...the rum bribe isn't working!!
[22:09] <Grosseschnauzer> GBM was doing pretty good with newbies until her cponnection problems started
[22:10] <Cisco> yeah...I need to take a trip out there and fix her pc
[22:10] <Cisco> on the Resolutions please
[22:11] <Cisco> I have already been telling people to come to the forum for that
[22:11] <Cisco> does your other region still work on thise?
[22:11] <Cisco> would love to see Mikitivity again
[22:11] <Grosseschnauzer> Mik has been busy in RL
[22:11] <Cisco> ok.
[22:12] <Cisco> well...I am off..ending the transcript unless we have something else to discuss
[22:12] <Cisco> I have to get purdy
[22:12] <Cisco> lol
[22:12] <Cisco> <end Transcript>
Room is Moderated
Gov Officials are OPS
RA and citizens voiced
Visitors are devoiced
[21:45] <Cisco> <start Transcript>
[21:45] <Cisco> First topic is Defense and security
[21:46] <Cisco> that includes spam busting and controlling the RMB
[21:46] <Cisco> i have spoken with Moo and we will begin some interregional Spam busting and possible military actions together
[21:46] <Cisco> I hope to extend that to other feeders
[21:47] <Khark> With the Azure Articles, right?
[21:47] <Cisco> no
[21:47] <Cisco> I am not working on azzure yet
[21:48] <Cisco> I am still taking care of loose ends left over from the past administration and am busy getting the ministries running
[21:48] <Cisco> which includes cracking down on spammers and communicating with the leaders of other regions
[21:48] * Ann has joined #thenorthpacific
[21:49] * Cisco sets mode: +o Ann
[21:49] <Ann> Is the dicussion still going on

[21:49] <Cisco> just started
[21:49] <Ann> Yay, I'm here now cause i'm part of government now

[21:49] <Cisco> I still need for Elu to start organizing the ISa
[21:49] <Ann> ISA?
[21:49] <Cisco> Sydia is doing a bang up job in Entertainment
[21:50] <Cisco> Intel and Security Agency
[21:50] <Ann> ah
[21:50] <Cisco> Ann has begun in FA...I unpinned a few of the threads so u can start fresh Ann
[21:50] <Ann> ty
[21:51] <Ann> I'll get to it later
[21:51] <Cisco> the embassy and consulate requests for the month of september and october should be processed
[21:51] <Cisco> nevermind any before that
[21:51] <Cisco> just make sure u state that we can close a consulate or embassy whenever we want for whatever reason
[21:52] <Cisco> you also should be careful where u send certain people
[21:53] * Ann looks to see if Khark is here
[21:53] <Ann> nevermind
[21:53] <Cisco> Gov for instance...can't be sent to most feeders or the FRA...should we open a embassy there
[21:53] <Khark> Yes, I am here
[21:53] <Ann> Gov want to me DMoEA
[21:53] <Cisco> Khark can't be sent to TWP either
[21:53] <Khark> I'm already in TWP
[21:53] <Khark> I'm in the Black Sheep
[21:53] <Ann> yeah cisco

[21:53] <Cisco> not as a diplomat
[21:54] <Cisco> from tnp
[21:54] <Ann> I'm in TWP as a diplomat
[21:54] <Khark> I'm in the heart of your security apparatus

[21:54] <Blue_Wolf> I R EVVRYWEAR
[21:54] <Khark> Actually, he is.
[21:54] <Khark> I just do his bidding
[21:54] <Khark>

[21:55] <Cisco> U shouldn't send yourself there either Ann
[21:55] <Cisco> your already involved
[21:55] <Ann> No, from Bartos, I never said from TNP
[21:55] <Cisco> If you want to make Gov your deputy...fine...I would suggest otherwise
[21:55] <Cisco> do some research on him and u will see why
[21:55] <Ann> I never said I wanted to
[21:55] <Ann> he asked me
[21:56] <Cisco> ok...just had to mention it
[21:56] <Ann> I know who Gov is
[21:56] <Cisco> good
[21:57] <Cisco> I have to give Ator a quick kick in the pants as he hasn't done much in internal affairs
[21:57] <Cisco> The judges should be getting their masking soon
[21:57] <Cisco> so that they can view the cabinet discussion forums
[21:57] <Cisco> not that I will be using them...
[21:57] <Ann> As a native TWPer would I ever give a govermental post to Ram?
[21:58] <Cisco> no comment
[21:58] <Cisco> on the grounds that it may incriminate me
[21:58] <Grosseschnauzer> justice masking in cabninet already taken care of
[21:58] <Ann> ty Gross

[21:59] <Cisco> oh...if your RA...I would like to ask if you could join the NPA, Spam Busters and diplomatic corps
[21:59] <Cisco> we need to fill those slots
[22:00] <Khark> indeed
[22:00] <Ann> I might join the NPA
[22:00] <Cisco> NPA is a standing army
[22:00] <Khark> its ever so fun
[22:00] <Blue_Wolf> I'm ever so fun
[22:00] <Cisco> soon though...those who can move...will
[22:00] <Khark> yes, join us
[22:00] <Cisco> the other members should be helping with spam busting and securing the region
[22:01] <Cisco> we need recruiters as well...I recruit everytime I endorse people
[22:02] <Khark> use the toaster guys
[22:02] <Khark> I think elu needs to change the message though
[22:02] <Khark> last I checked, it was still an NPA recruitment message
[22:02] * Moo|Work is now known as Moo-Cows
[22:02] <Cisco> Elu will be setting toaster up for the recuiters
[22:03] <Cisco> we already spoke about that
[22:04] <Cisco> I placed a new banner up for your comments
[22:04] <Cisco> I took your suggestions and redid it
[22:04] <Cisco> That covers most of what I wanted to speak about
[22:04] <Cisco> anyone have a question, comment?
[22:04] <Grosseschnauzer> the latest banner is more readable
[22:04] <Cisco> I have gotten some positive responses from recruiters by the way
[22:05] <Cisco> what did u think of the motto?
[22:05] <Cisco> I will be working on the icons and bkgrnd soon
[22:05] <Grosseschnauzer> hhave to thibk bout that -- I was looking at the color and contrast
[22:07] <Cisco> well folks..if their is nothing else...I have people to do..things to see....its Friday!
[22:07] <Ann> lol
[22:07] <Grosseschnauzer> as long as y'all are here the government offices redirect forum can't be made a subforum of the welcome subforum. it would need third degree subforums which we can't make.
[22:07] <Ann> Cisco has admin on TNP right?
[22:07] <Grosseschnauzer> do we leave as is or delete it?
[22:07] <Cisco> Kill it
[22:08] <Cisco> I will be working with Ator to redo the welcome section and the yellow pages
[22:08] <Cisco> and the map
[22:08] <Cisco> and the historical society
[22:08] <Cisco> etc
[22:08] <Cisco> public services that should help newbies
[22:08] <Cisco> we need some fresh blood
[22:09] <Cisco> I can't keep recruiting memebers from other regions...the rum bribe isn't working!!
[22:09] <Grosseschnauzer> GBM was doing pretty good with newbies until her cponnection problems started
[22:10] <Cisco> yeah...I need to take a trip out there and fix her pc
[22:10] <Cisco> on the Resolutions please
[22:11] <Cisco> I have already been telling people to come to the forum for that
[22:11] <Cisco> does your other region still work on thise?
[22:11] <Cisco> would love to see Mikitivity again
[22:11] <Grosseschnauzer> Mik has been busy in RL
[22:11] <Cisco> ok.
[22:12] <Cisco> well...I am off..ending the transcript unless we have something else to discuss
[22:12] <Cisco> I have to get purdy
[22:12] <Cisco> lol
[22:12] <Cisco> <end Transcript>