Real Life politics


It is no secret that NationStates politics are a joke. Not an intentional one either. We're plainly ridiculous.

But with the US presidential campaigns first entering "negative", sliding through "character attacks" and now straight down to "mud-slinging", I keep wondering whether we are all that far removed from real life.

Sure, in real life there are only very few people who would suspend the constitution and claim prerogative by right of force. But the pre-election scheming and the international bickering and belligerence are all there.

So. Do you think we would be better off with the TNP government ruling the real world, or not?
First off, politics is a contact sport. Even in Canada we go negative and use fear. And for all the bemoaning of partisanship and meaness, compare Dick Cheney telling a senator to fuck off to Aaron Burr challenging a senator to a duel then actually shooting the guy. Hell, think the Dems are too anti-Bush? Caesar faced a senate who didn't like him and he was stabbed for it.

Civillity in politics? We've made great strides, check out Taiwanese politics for modern comparisons.