Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare

OPArsenal is ranked 29th in the region and 1,731st in the world for Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare.

We take care of our citizens in OPArsenal.
Very Canadian of you.
Thanks. I try.

I've been told that the free healthcare up there sucks.

My thoughts are that it can't suck THAT bad if it's free...
Namyeknom is ranked 72nd in the region and 2,855th in the world for Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare.

Aha! Up from 97th last time I saw it. Soon I shall have pro-active healthcare, which removes your appendix before your born, and puts all your limbs in casts, just in case they get broken...

edit - soon I will be able to type also...
Namyeknom is ranked 67th in the region and 2,766th in the world for Most Comprehensive Public Healthcare.

Up 7 places! :w00t:

And up 89 places worldwide!

Watch out world, my free health service is coming for you!