The purpose of this reform is to update all the laws carried over from the prior Constitution. That and nothing else.
A Ministry of Communications is obsolete and the Freedom of Information Act and successive policies of Interior Ministers have called for openess and accurate reporting, when not done by the Delegate themselves.
TNP Law# 1
Section 1
1 - All government officials, including Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers,Prime Minister...
Section 3: Penalties for Violation
1 - This Oath shall be binding on all government officials as previously covered, and violations of said Oath may be ground for indictment of impeachment charges in a legal Court of The North Pacific, pursuant to the guidelines and procedures laid out in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, and The North Pacific Legal Code., and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Communications
Section 1. The North Pacific Wire.
The North Pacific Wire shall be the official News Publication of the region. The North Pacific Wire shall be administered by the Ministry of Communications.
A Ministry of Communications is obsolete and the Freedom of Information Act and successive policies of Interior Ministers have called for openess and accurate reporting, when not done by the Delegate themselves.
Wartime Provisions
Section 1: Wartime Provisions
No player maintaining a nation in a region at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities. Any player found doing so will be stripped of membership in the Regional Assembly and subject to banishment from the region. A "region at war" is any region which has made a formal declaration, or made acts of war against The North Pacific, or vice versa, as deemed by decision by theSecurity Councilmajority of Cabinet. War does not constitute actions taken by or against the North Pacific Army unless the conflict meets the conditions above. A state of war exists until a formal peace treaty, surrender terms, or similar, is/are recognized.
TNP Law# 22
1B - Exceptions may be given to North Pacific Army and North Pacific Intelligence Agency members, with the consent of and notification by both: 1) the Minister of Defense or NPIA Director, respectively, and 2)the Prime Ministerthe Delegate. This exception is only valid when on officially sanctioned missions for the purposes of preserving regional security and the Constitution.