Legislative Priorities

Well now that the dust has settled, let's get ready to legislate! Ain't nuthin sexier.

These are the following holes, I plan on plugging during this term. Feel free to post and add to the list!

- Vice Delegate Role (Bill or possible Amendment.)
- Mission role and hierarchy of the North Pacific Army and the North Pacific Intelligence Agency (Bill)
- Quorum (amendment)
- System of approving Delegate bans on security threats.

Also, I've decided to forgo Formal Discussions as seperate threads seem to disconnect late comers from the debate and lead to redundant questions. Legislation that's been worded and thoroughly scrutinized will move straight to a vote.
Well one term gone, another to go. We did some good here, didn't do a lot there, and screwed up a little everywhere.

1) Legal Reform
2) An Independent AG
3) Formation of the NPA
4) Formation of the NPIA
5) ?????
6) Profit!

I'll try to get around to what I can, self-made proposals will go to vote quicker to quash allegations of abuse of my fiat in zooming past red conflict of interest signs. There's a lot of good to be done and a lot of hair left to be pulled, let's get on it!