On the wonders of love


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
The following is an open letter that the College of Equilism requested be published in each of the feeder regions. Hope you enjoy!
My dear friends,

I am simply stricken with a deep passionate love that I just must express. I just can't get it out of my system, and I am realizing that Moo-cows with Guns, my Mooey, has pulled me into a new world. Never before have I seen things so vividly since I became his lawfully wedded husband a few weeks back. We have always have had a sort of special relationship, always with a goal of having the knots tied. I feel that everyone has a person who truly is a key that unlocks their soul, and I, Dalimbar, have found that person. I am not afraid to say this out loud for all the world to see! Nay, this state of insanity that they call "love" cries out, waiting to be heard! Although constantly ripped from one sense of reality to the next, plotting against and for things, it lingers in the shadows, waiting for a quiet embrace when I need it. It is a drug that keeps me spellbound and awestruck. That is what Moo has done to me.


Applicant to the College of Equilism.
Just to make sure that everybody know this.... this is a dare to gain entry to the College of Equilism. Dalimbar have been accepted to the College after the completion of his dare which can be shortly describe as

Numero Capitan:
Bravo, Bravo

Its made me completely sick. I think that must be a success


Lord Chancellor of the Realm of Equilism