Eluvatar for Delegate


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda

In my run for the Delegacy, much like my run for Speaker last year, I consider 4 important values:



Perhaps the most obvious role of the North Pacific Delegate is to maintain order in the region. The Delegate under TNP's constitution runs the Executive, who in any society enforce order. The Delegate has the power of the World Factbook Entry and the Ban button, which are used to maintain the society established under the Constitution. The Delegate also has power over the Ministries, keeping in order the community that is TNP.

As Delegate I will fulfill my responsibility to keep order by doing the obvious of maintaining regional security and not allowing a rogue delegacy, and by coordinating the orderly flow of TNP government under TNP law.


Freedom is the traditional main value of TNP, and it is my favorite political value. TNP will not, as it has demonstrated, stand for the elimination of this value, nor for its obvious corruption. There are several duties the Delegate has to maintain and promote freedom in the North Pacific.

Firstly, and most simply, the Delegate must not eliminate freedom by being autocratic. TNP has seen Delegate after Delegate "going rogue" and abandoning TNP's Constitution. I have no intention of doing so, or allowing this to happen. I promise to do all I can to prevent such an outcome.

Secondly, one way the Delegate traditionally promotes the value of freedom in TNP is by putting the WA Resolutions at vote to a vote of TNPers. This tradition is vital, and is one excellent way of promoting and maintaining freedom that I will of course continue.

Thirdly, under TNP's constitution the Delegate is responsible for maintaining TNP's freedom with the forum Executive Government. The various Ministries must not violate freedoms, and should also promote Freedom where feasible. As Delegate I will watch for infringements against freedom by the Ministries and support Minister ideas that favor Freedom.


As I wrote before, the Delegate is responsible for the security of, well, the Delegacy. The Delegate is responsible for the security of the North Pacific from invasion. Situations like the UPS Rail/Great Bight takeover and banning spree and the Emperor Matthuis debacle are not difficult to prevent with the proper tools (which I have) and care, which I pledge I will take.


Lastly, but certainly not unimportantly, the Delegate gives the North Pacific leadership. The Delegate sets the World Factbook Entry, the face of TNP. The Delegate leads the forum Government, making sure the Ministers are themselves providing TNP with leadership (and their hard work). The Delegate is responsible for the well-being in general and is responsible for leading it in a positive direction.

As Delegate I will try to lead TNP in the direction of renewed development, to a place on the Interregional stage not as an object but as a participant, not as a gameboard but as a player. I will lead TNP to internal improvement, to make TNP fulfill it's vital role to teach players of the game. I will do my all to make TNP a vibrant community.

This will not be easy in this day and age of NationStates, but I will do my utmost, and I ask you all to join me.
Congratulation on your nomination for Delegate.

I've a couple of questions for you.

1. Regarding the post by GBM about the new NPA stand for defender/invaders game, what is your stand on this issues? Would the NPA revert to defenders stand, maintain it hybrid, or change to invaders?

2. During the split, TNP have become the center of NS attention with the help of propaganda from both side, but with the conflict ends. How do you intend to make sure that TNP is still in the spotlight?

3. I've a look through your campaign thread and I see that you focus on Security and Democracy of the region which is good in someway, but the main concern that I have is the summer slump and I don't see any plan that you have to tackle that problem. So how do you intend to maintain a level of activity in the region?

I don't have any more question and wish you the best of luck in running for Delegate.
Congratulation on your nomination for Delegate.

I've a couple of questions for you.

1. Regarding the post by GBM about the new NPA stand for defender/invaders game, what is your stand on this issues? Would the NPA revert to defenders stand, maintain it hybrid, or change to invaders?

Rather than using vague terms which few might understand I will spell out what I intend to have the NPA's modus operandi. This is subject to change based on what I think the region wants within the first 2 weeks of office, but unless there are strong factors otherwise this is my plan:

1. The NPA will defend regions considered friendly or in alliance with TNP if they are attacked.
2. The NPA will respond to requests for assistance from regions that are attacked, unless there is a powerful overriding reason not to.
3. The NPA will respond to requests for assistance from regions that are formal allies of TNP.
4. The NPA may respond to requests for assistance from regions the Government considers friendly.

These imperatives are arranged roughly in order of priority.

2. During the split, TNP have become the center of NS attention with the help of propaganda from both side, but with the conflict ends. How do you intend to make sure that TNP is still in the spotlight?

As I stated earlier, I intend to move TNP from an object in NationStates affairs to a player. Rather than drama in TNP attracting attention, TNP's more active foreign policy should keep the region on the NationStates stage. In addition, TNP shall hopefully attract more attention through a revived education program (either the University as-is revived or a new University built in its place) and an increase in membership and thus importance.

3. I've a look through your campaign thread and I see that you focus on Security and Democracy of the region which is good in someway, but the main concern that I have is the summer slump and I don't see any plan that you have to tackle that problem. So how do you intend to maintain a level of activity in the region?

There are a few things which my statement mentioned, I now realized, in varying levels of opacity. Firstly, I indicated a desire to make TNP fill its roll in teaching new players-- as I said above I intend, come hell or high water, to have a functioning University in TNP. This will help fulfill TNP's educational imperatives viz-a-viz new nations.

Secondly, I plan on embarking on a serious recruitment effort, somewhat like those of the West Pacific, but with some improved flexibility through the use of Toaster. Through a combination of Telegramming campaigns and an organized plan to take back our RMB from the spammers we can bring some new members, and thus new life, into TNP. Following this effort it might be reasonable to institute a system of periodic North Pacific newsletters to our many nations.

Thirdly, I believe in the power of regional Roleplaying in developing a community, which requires an active Map. I believe it is essential to TNP's future to have an active mapmaker again, either (preferably) Thel or if he is unavailable someone else. Following that, regional Roleplaying can flower into a complex milieu of international interactions.

Fourthly, and perhaps most obviously, the Delegate must ensure that the Ministers are doing their jobs. Useful to this, and to the aforementioned newsletters, as well as to embassy updates, would be a requirement that Ministers give reports on their work, probably bi-weekly. Under my Delegacy, underperforming Ministers would be dealt with, and if necessary replaced. We cannot afford idle Ministries.

I don't have any more question and wish you the best of luck in running for Delegate.

Thanks :tb2:

Finally, if anything I say seems to be a mistake, please, explain to me why it is! If you convince me, I'll fix it, I love to be shown the error of my ways, when in error they be.
TNP shall hopefully attract more attention through a revived education program (either the University as-is revived or a new University built in its place)


According to some members of TNP before the Crimson Reign, University is the most Useless Thing in TNP. How do you intend to change that? Are you planning to rewrite the whole system or used the same system?

I also have another questions for you, since I don't found any part of the legal code or constitution that stated that how many ministers that you must have. How many ministry are you going to establish and what is it?
TNP shall hopefully attract more attention through a revived education program (either the University as-is revived or a new University built in its place)


According to some members of TNP before the Crimson Reign, University is the most Useless Thing in TNP. How do you intend to change that? Are you planning to rewrite the whole system or used the same system?

I also have another questions for you, since I don't found any part of the legal code or constitution that stated that how many ministers that you must have. How many ministry are you going to establish and what is it?

I agree that the University, as it is currently organized, is quite useless. The way it is organized is a recipe for disaster. My plans to revive the University involve either great reform or replacement of the University apparatus-- whichever is feasible.

As for the Ministries, here is my preliminary list of Ministries, which again I may change due to necessary circumstances or popular demand:

1. Minister of External Affairs
A. Deputy Minister for Defense (NPA)
B. Deputy Minister for Security (NPIA)
C. Ambassador General (Ambassador Corps)
2. Minister of Internal Affairs
A. Deputy Minister for Immigration (Recruitment)
B. Deputy Minister for Communications (The Wire)
C. Attorney General (Prosecutor at large)
D. Deputy Minister for Education (if it should be necessary to replace the Uni.)

Why do YOU want to be Delegate?

I think I can serve TNP, and I believe TNP can use my service. I think I can help restore TNP to activity, in internal community and external relations. I believe I am the best man around for this job, for reasons ranging from my expertise at gathering endorsements to my ability to generally stay reasonable with all.

I believe that I can lead the community to improvement. To be clear, I cannot and should not do it all myself, as Delegate I will in most spheres lead not micromanage or do. All of my plans can be sunk easily if I fail to rally enthusiastic support-- but I believe in myself and in TNP.
Could you please explain this whole ZS/Eluvatar duality thing? I mean we've known each other for a while and I for one never saw it coming (I can really get why you were so peeved about the PM's as you probably got at least two of them)
Could you please explain this whole ZS/Eluvatar duality thing? I mean we've known each other for a while and I for one never saw it coming (I can really get why you were so peeved about the PM's as you probably got at least two of them)
Wait, I was peeved about PMs? I honestly don't remember that. For all I know if I was that may have been why.

Perhaps I'll check that again in a short while.

So, about ZS in general, in terms of TNP:

1. I revived Zemnaya Svoboda and moved it into TNP for militant purposes during the Lexicon war. At the time I was filled with partial truths that the TNP "clique" had overthrown Cathyy-- looking at the TNP of the time it did not look "truly democratic." Also, I felt I should be loyal to my then main region, the Lexicon.

2. Over time, the Lexicon became worse and worse to be in. Eventually we left the Lexicon and established Taijitu. I maintained ZS as separate, but avoided joining Eluvatar to the RA, in the thought that A. ZS was separate from Eluvatar and I was ok as long as I didn't violate TNP law with it. B. I didn't want to reveal the reason I'd put ZS in the first place. C. I still didn't much like TNP's system-- the Constitution and Laws were unwieldy and created, in my opinion, an oligarchy of those that could bother themselves to figure it out. Even your wonderful guide (which was pretty helpful by the way) was not enough to make things really clear.

3. Eventually, under pressure to join the RA, I did join as Eluvatar. I am not proud of this. I tried to give myself the excuse that the system was so unworkable that I shouldn't respect it, but even then I saw this as a bit hollow. I even discussed with Dalimbar the idea of various somewhat legal through illegal ways of trying to fix the system. In the end though, as Dalimbar did not, as far as I remember, warn me (or I was inactive) about his final going rogue, I did not go and support him. Dalimbar's rogue period was one of the more peaceful rogue periods we have had I must note, and ended with Dalimbar handing power back without too much coercion from what I understand.

4. At this point I am quite agreeable to the current Constitution and System, and have been loyal to TNP for more than a year. Together with Limitless Events, I supported z13 intensively in this last conflict, as Flemingovia and Great Bights Mum can attest. During the conflict I came to the conclusion that I would be revealing at long last my dual nature and decided to delay doing so only to the end of the conflict, so I could not possibly cause disruption to our side.

As a note, in terms of RP, Eluvatar and Zemnaya Svoboda are very different nations. Eluvatar is far more conservative, it is in fact theoretically a constitutional monarchy, and highly capitalist, while Zemnaya Svoboda is a pure Republic vacillating between socialism lite and a Bretton Woods style Capitalism.
How do you think your experiences in the Lexicon and Tajitu will help you as Delegate?

I will be asking this question to all the candidates. You've already provided a detailed breakdown of your cabinet but, as the Delegate appoints the cabinet, have you considered who you might appoint and to what position?
How do you think your experiences in the Lexicon and Tajitu will help you as Delegate?

I will be asking this question to all the candidates. You've already provided a detailed breakdown of your cabinet but, as the Delegate appoints the cabinet, have you considered who you might appoint and to what position?
I believe my practical experience in the Lexicon and Taijitu helps me in every way. Without an understanding of a system of citizenship wherein one is required to maintain a nation in the region and inform the region of one's WA, I would not have developed appropriate tools for this job. Without acquainting myself with the system of embassies across regions, I would not understand what kind of skills are necessary for External Affairs. Without experience recruiting for the Lexicon I would not have been able to make the Toaster recruiting tools, which I intend to make use of. Without my experience in the Lexicon war I would never have learned how to gather endorsements. Without my experiences with politics in the Lexicon and Taijitu (as well as TNP of course) I would have difficulty mounting a campaign or assembling a Cabinet. In relation to that, I have been sought for advice in the past on that specific subject by Delegates of those regions.

Following the tradition I have experienced in the Lexicon and Taijitu it is my instinct not to announce who I might be thinking of appointing to positions before the election for a few reasons:

1. I might upset those not on the list, and I do like getting votes to be elected :w00t:
2. To assemble my Cabinet I will have to ask various people what jobs they are willing to fill. Doing so before being elected would be awkward, to say the least. Without knowledge of who is willing to fill what position at this time, I feel that attempting to predict my cabinet would be irresponsible.
3. I feel that who I appoint to the ministries is not quite as important as what I task them with doing when I do appoint them. Talking about who I'd like to appoint for what position would distract from what I consider to be more important.

However feel free to persuade me that it is in TNP's best interest for me to go against those reasons and nevertheless publicly brainstorm in my campaign thread as to who I may try to appoint. I may have missed some important reasoning.

I will tell you that I have made some considerations, and have some lists playing around in my head to plan my rounds when, if I am elected Delegate, I make my rounds selecting Ministers.

Thank you for the questions Haor Chall :bunny:
Thank you for your answers.

It's perfectly acceptable not to list your cabinet beforehand but, equally, there are occassions where you might want to mention specific people running on your ticket. An appointed cabinet can be part of the campaign IMO and than does include people refusing to name a cabinet. If someone running for Delegate said that person x would be in their cabinet that might be something that people like (or dislike :P), it depends, or even if there was a choice between a candidate who listed their cabinet and one who refused to that might influence peoples choice.

I guess if you haven't got any firm ideas thats fine, partly my concern is that we don't have to wait weeks after the Delegate is elected before a cabinet is put together so I'd favour a candidate who has listed at least some of their intended ministers. Though, of course, that depends on who those people were and I certainly wouldn't make my decision based on that one factor. :P
Oh I have a few people in mind, I just don't think it would be good for me to go sharing them right now-- they don't even know I'm thinking about appointing them yet. :D

None of the other candidates have listed intended cabinet members so it seems that my thoughts may be shared by them. We shall see, of course.
I'm sorry but you've broken several laws, laws that still exist in terms of citizenship. Have you ever double voted? How long did you think you could continue to perpetrate this fraud upon our region?

Even Blue Wolf/Scarwahtever was smart enough to avoid these crimes. What the hell man, I trusted you.
If you were a biscuit, what type of biscuit would you be?
If I were a biscuit I would be a Plyushka:


Plyushki are delicious, and making them is fun too.

Plyushki are Russian.

Plyushki are made from a circle of dough into which one puts some butter, sugar, and perhaps cinnamon (or whatever flavoring). One then rolls the circle up into a tube, folds the tube closing the ends, and then cuts the folded middle of the tube and unfold the pastry out from that cut, making an ear/heart shaped Plyushka.

Making Plyushki is requires some considerable effort, starting with making the dough and ending with that several step process of making Plyushki from the dough and baking them.

On the subject of things Russian and Zemnaya Svoboda: Yes, I broke the TNP law of the time in 2006-2007. I came forward with this on my own however, and pledge that I will not do so again. If you feel I cannot be trusted on my explicit promise, I understand.
I didn't look but it still doesn't ignore the fact that you lied, you spied, and betrayed our trust.

And no you didn't just break past laws: you violated your oath, law 22 for treason is still in effect, and law 27 about proxy servers (how else did you change your ip address from ZS's?)

It just begs the question, what else are you hiding? This main theme of this election IMO is trust, more than platform and experience. How can we count on a Del whose loyalty shifts with the wind?

Your confession is commendable, it's better than continuing the lie but actions have consequences. You can't count on me not to be pissed just because you confessed.

There's still a plethora of issues remaining, will you use your ZS account to push Elu's agenda in the RA? Will you continue to vote twice, cheating the rest of us? The list goes on.

I'm sorry but while you haven't lost my respect, you've lost my endorsement.
No. I will not be reentering ZS in the RA. I said as much in the thread I linked you to. I stated in that thread that I would be using the ZS account for things related specifically to the nation ZS like ZS RP.

And my loyalty does not shift with the wind. From the start I believed that what I wanted to do was for the benefit of the North Pacific. I agree now that it would probably have been bad for the Lexicon led by IP and Cath to succeed in unseating the government of the time. But my loyalty to the North Pacific was beginning even then.

My loyalty to the North Pacific Constitution is another matter. I have no way of proving to you that I am loyal to this Constitution when I was not loyal to the previous one, I can only say that I am. I will add that it was pretty clear that I didn't like the existing North Pacific Constitution then.

EDIT: On second thought, the demonstration of my loyalty to the new Constitution is how I fought for it against Lewis and Clark. The telegrams sent out by Zemnaya Svoboda did quite significant damage to Lewis and Clark's endocount, and helped improve Great Bights Mum's. Great Bight's Mum can attest to this.

If, at the last, you refer to my loyalty to the Lexicon, I think you are being silly. My loyalty was to the community, the whole region of the Lexicon, not the Founders. When the Founders broke the charter they had written, and the laws we had written, and the community left, I followed the community.

Thank you however for making your opinion clear. I shall try to persuade you otherwise as to my character, but that shall require time.
EDIT: On second thought, the demonstration of my loyalty to the new Constitution is how I fought for it against Lewis and Clark. The telegrams sent out by Zemnaya Svoboda did quite significant damage to Lewis and Clark's endocount, and helped improve Great Bights Mum's. Great Bight's Mum can attest to this.
:agree: Big time! ZS was a huge help in getting me the endorsements, as well as putting direct pressure on L&C. The Toaster is a wonderful tool, not only for endorsements, but also for its tracking ability. With so many nations coming and going, we were better able to keep our ducks in a row. (Even if it *was* death row.)

For all the help Eluvatar has given me, and the region, he has my complete support as the next Delegate of TNP.
Oh wow among all those questions I missed the "what else are you hiding?" question. :fish:

Okay, here's a list:
  1. I sometimes get angry and then take some time with my hands off the keyboard.
  2. I've never been a full time raider or defender.
  3. I consider Limitless Events a friend.
  4. The name Eluvatar is inspired by a bored roleplay session with a Map that I had with Annex and Pragmia.
  5. I confess that I enjoy wrangling about legalese :(
Yes I am fully aware of past activities by Limitless Events. That's why my friendship with him could be considered something I was "hiding" if I didn't mention it.
Eluvatar, as Election Commissioner, for the record I would like to ask you, if you have received second for your nomination as Delegate, and who seconded your nomination.

That is all for now from me :) :ADN:
Eluvatar, as Election Commissioner, for the record I would like to ask you, if you have received second for your nomination as Delegate, and who seconded your nomination.

That is all for now from me :) :ADN:
Firstly if you would kindly say where it is written that a second to a nomination is required, I would be grateful.

Secondly, I do think that if I am accepting my nomination I clearly showed intent to run, therefore I seconded Grimalkin's nomination of me.

Thirdly, if you thought my candidacy was on shaky ground, I would have preferred you to have contacted me about this earlier.
A second is not required.
Are you certain?

Missing Dog Head tried to second himself but could not.

Generally, in Parliamentary Procedure, when a nomination is made, someone else needs to second it. same with making motions in a legislature. You can't second your own motion, it doesn't make sense.

I have contacted Grosseschnauzer and will be discussing this with him. :ADN:
A second is not required. Great Bights Mum informed me of this fact. Nevertheless, Khark seconded my nomination and if I remember correctly, all the other candidates nominations have also been seconded.

Past nominations show a second was not a requirement for eligibility. And for crying out loud, if I thought Eluvatar's nomination needed a second, I would have done it.

While dotting one's "i's" and crossing one's "t's" is an admirable habit, it should not be confused with splitting hairs.
After much investigation by my Election Commission and the Ramaban Parliamentary Bureau of Justice, I have concluded that as Election Commissioner, Eluvatar is a valid candidate for the Delegacy, and FALCONKATS may be allowed to campaign for a seat on the CLO.

Campaigning for all positions will end when voting ends.

So approved by my own hand as Election Commissioner. :ADN: