At Vote: Coordinating Relief Act

Great Bights Mum

Grande Dame
The following resolution is being debated by the WA. If it passes, it will immediately take effect in all WA member nations.

Feel free to discuss the issue and let me know how you would like me to vote.

Coordinating Relief Aid
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Charlotte Ryberg

Description: RECOGNIZING the existence of many specialized non-governmental organizations (abbreviated as NGOs), both at domestic and international level, focusing on providing humanitarian aid to both individuals and governments;

APPLAUDING the efforts of such NGOs for promoting international peace and strengthening the ties between nations;

OBSERVING that the World Assembly has not designated a single point of responsibility for coordinating the efforts of such NGOs;

REALIZING there are duplications of some relief efforts, and that communication problems may create inefficiencies in absence of a clear single point of responsibility;

The World Assembly,

RECOGNIZING that all citizens of member nations should be protected by such a humanitarian group.

1. ESTABLISHES the International Coordinated Relief Committee (ICRC), an organization whose sole duty is to co-ordinate of relief aid of NGOs in all member nations;

2. MANDATES that the ICRC shall be funded from the resources of the World Assembly, but;

3. PERMITS the ICRC to accept donations and grants from individual persons as a goodwill gesture;

4.1. DEFINES a major disaster as an event which may threaten lives and livelihoods, such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks and war;

4.2. DEFINES the functions of the ICRC, whose role shall be to:
a) Provide international coordination of food, shelter, and humanitarian aid efforts in nations affected by a major disaster;
b) Co-ordinate the efforts of existing NGOs in member nations at an international level;
c) Provide training to volunteers of NGOs and the ICRC itself in preparedness for such disasters.

a) manage and prioritize the allocation of resources to specific situations or emergencies, based on the current inability of other governmental and NGOs to meet all of the needs of those situations;
b) not promote conflict or war in any way;
c) not abuse their budget, in any way that may hamper the true purpose of the organization itself.

ENCOURAGES member nations and existing NGOs to share recovery plans and aid each other through the halls of the ICRC.

Co-authored by Mikitivity.

Votes For: 5,949

Votes Against: 2,591

[Delegate Votes]

Voting Ends: Thu May 1 2008

Just so you know, I already voted against this, but I will change my vote if it is not in accordance with the majority.
I am also against this resolution and will vote against it. Enforced mandated charity is socialist in nature and we all know how I don't like socialists.

Title: Coordinating Relief Aid
Sub-title: A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

It's socialist. It violates regional and national sovereignty by mandating 'charity' and it's......*gasp*......Socialistic on an international scale.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for one day; teach him to fish and you will feed him for life.

If people want to give then they should have the choice of giving. There is no reason to rob people to force them to give. Charity if voluntary. If it isn't, it's socialism and coerced redistribution of wealth - socialism/communism.

*From discussion thread at WA, if the server ever takes it. :P
I, and my nation, am a democratic socialist. This means that I believe in inherent human dignety and the rights of all people in the political, economic, and social systems. If our region stands against a proposal that will help in the aid of the international community, we would be uncivilized to do so. It is called the responsibility to protect. Those people in other nations who need help, whether it be natural disasters or genocide, should be able to expect the international community to lend a hand. If you need a real world example, look at what happenedin Rwanda, and nw in the Darfur region of Sudan. Their blood is on our hands and we cannot wash it clean.

I, Elizaveta Morozova, President of Zemnaya Svoboda, support international cooperation in dealing with natural disasters et cetera and support this resolution.

/* OOC: I will be voting on UN resolutions as Zemnaya Svoboda because Zemnaya Svoboda is a UN Nation in TNP. */

having any government is socialist, having any overbearing institution that tells us what to do is communist. (Government monopoly on postal service, fire fighting and police anyone) Now lets set semantics aside and really get into the true meaning of this rhetoric, governments and laws exists whether we like them or not. If we must live with it, we might as well make it into a force for good.

Thats all