Peace Treaty

Great Bights Mum

Grande Dame
It is with great pleasure I announce the following accord which has been reached between Gatesville and TNP. Gates has issued the order for his troops to withdraw from TNP. Our liberation is at hand. Let democracy rule!

From this day forth, let there be peace between the peoples of Gatesville and the peoples of The North Pacific (TNP) who dwell on Z13 and in the regions they represent.

1. By this treaty the people of Gatesville and the people of TNP put behind them all insults, satire and ultimata posted on RMBs, offsite forums and IRC channels. In particular, TNP apologizes for the hurt and insults given to Gatesville by Flemingovia. In penance Flemingovia shall display an appropriate avatar and signature for the period of one month.

2. The founder, delegate, government and people of Gatesville and TNP shall respect the sovereign right of the other region to determine their own affairs. They will not infiltrate, engage in espionage, or move troops into the other region unless it to fight a third party invader, at the request of the region’s government.

3. All Gatesville troopers and their allies currently deployed in TNP shall be immediately recalled, both parties to this treaty acknowledging that they have fought well and with honour, and have achieved redress for the insults that led to their deployment to TNP.

This treaty is witnessed this day between our governments and regions. Let this treaty be the start of friendship between our regions, as the past is consigned to the past and we look to a future of peace and prosperity for both our regions.


Gates the god
Great Bights Mum
Congratulations to both regions for reaching an amicable to solution. The Meritocracy is happy to see agreement reached, and urges every effort to be made to re-integrate those of the Crimson Order into the North Pacific society.
Gatesville is deeply disturbed by this recent round of bannings I figured LC would take our lead and reach a settlement. However it looks like I figured wrong. My credentials in NS are indisputable and you fine folks know my word it is as good as gold. Stand with me North Pacifcans we have a treaty and I shall honor that and dispose of the cancer that has infected your region
Thank you for your gracious offer, Gates. However, I believe we must decline. Those of the Crimson Order are TNP nations, too. Because they are our brothers, there is more at stake than just winning the war. Let you troops have a rest after their long deployment here. It is high time for TNP to sort itself out.
Of course Mum I'll stay out of things but I have good reason to believe that LC handed his nation off to someone else.