Outer Kharkistania
No user in the Admin group shall be allowed to hold the positions of Delegate or Speaker of the House. This is to avoid conflicts of interest between political and technical issues, as well as to avoid putting to much power in one person's hands.
This proposal would take effect after the next elections are held. In the case that an Admin was elected to one of these two posts, they would be required to be moved to the Global Moderators group for the period of their term, and be allowed to move back to Admin after their term was up.
This was a big complaint of some people who have left z13, not just to WW's little area, but left z13 in general. Unfortunately, having users who are both political leaders and technical administrators gives the opportunity for that user to slow down both legislation and fail to implement it if passed.
In particular, I am thinking of the activities of certain Admin staff just before the Crimson Coup, in which they interfered repeatedly in the political process, refused to remask users, and in general antagonized reformers and led many to believe that any change was better than what was happening in z13.