Motion to Confirm Great Bights Mum


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
I, Eluvataran Isles, hereby motion that the Assembly vote on the following resolution:

The Assembly of the North Pacific, aware of Lewis and Clark's appointment of Great Bights Mum as Vice Delegate at , noting Grosseschnauzer's declaration that she was Delegate as of Lewis and Clark's treason, resolves that Great Bights Mum is the interim Delegate of the North Pacific until such time as security from Lewis and Clark and Gatesville is attained and new elections can be held.

If passed by a three-quarters vote this resolution shall immediately hold constitutional force, as well as being counted as official recall from office of Lewis and Clark for his rejection of the Constitution under which he was elected.
If passed by a two-thirds vote this resolution shall immediately hold legal force as well as being counted as official recall from office of Lewis and Clark.
If not passed by at least a two-thirds vote, this resolution shall hold no force.

At this time, any ideas on improving this resolution would be welcomed :D
You explain the majority needed for the resolution to pass, but not for the motion to reach the floor... what is the process here besides saying "Motion seconded"?

Unfortunately I can't come up with improvements. Legalese isn't my strength.
Fortunately Eluvatar left out any use of the words "United Nations," since apparently, that is not an April Fool's joke. (Max posted the image of the actual letter from the UN Legal Affairs folks in his blog.)

I'll give this another 24 hours or so before moving it to a vote, just to give more people a chance to see it.

I've finished a first go through of the activity check but I want to send out PM to give folks a chance to fix any problems I uncovered first. I will also be putting forth two motions on elections -- one for the judicial elections later this month, and one for the general elections in May.
if it stops people complaining, let's have a confirmatory vote.

I see a no brainer here:

Lewis and Clark was elected to do something.
He promised to do it.
He broke his word.
The next in line steps up to the plate.
I agree, GBM needs to be confirmed immediately.
OOOOH! It's my birthday today! I want Guinness Stout instead! :w00t: