ANNOUNCEMENT: RA Activity Verification

Article III of Law 28 provides:

Law 28:
Article III

Member Removal

In accordance with Article II, Section Three of the Constitution, providing for the removal of unelected goverrnment members, the following methods and instances are provided for removal of Assembly members.

Section One

Violation of the Constitution or Laws of The North Pacific

1. Any Assembly member that has been found by due process to be in violation of the Constitution and Laws of The North Pacific shall be removed with immediate effect by The Speaker.

Section Two


1. Assembly members whose nation has CTE'd (Ceased to Exist) or who have moved out of The North Pacific when not on offical business shall be removed from membership automatically by the Speaker.

2. Assembly members who fail to indicate their activity on the forum by posting for over 30 days shall be removed from membership automatically by the Speaker.

Section Three

Proxy Use

Use of a proxy server by an Assembly member, without specific official TNP permission for Army or Intelligence purpose, is forbidden and is grounds for immediate removal from the Assembly.

1. Forum administrators shall inform the Speaker in the event that an Assembly member is found to be engaged in the use of a proxy server to access the forum.

2. Upon notification, the Speaker shall immedately remove the offending member from the Assembly.

I will be conducting a check of current Regional Assembly members during the next few days to verify compliance with the activity requirement noted above. Any RA member found not to be in compliance will be given notice and an opportunity to comply before removal would take place.
A canvass has been taken of those currently listed as members of the Regional Assembly.

Messages were sent to those members who had not shown activity on these forums within the preceding 30 days of the canvass, or whose TNP nation was either not in The North Pacific or had ceased to exist, or whose UN (now WA) nation was either no longer in that organization or had ceased to exist.

This is an official warning to those members that they will be removed from the Regional Assembly in one week's time if these deficiencies are not corrected.

Jon Rose (Inacitivity last log date 22 Feb 2008)
Mesian (TNP nation of record out of region; last log in date 11 Feb 2008)
Freakvl (Inacivity last log date Feb 2 2008)
Grandell (Inactivity last log date Feb 19 2008)
Cruithne (TNP nation ceased to exist)
PoD Gunner (TNP nation of record not in TNP)
Triumph and Diaster TNP nation CTE'd; no Un of record)

The following have a TNP nation but have not updated other information:
Winter Vacationers (UN/WA nation ceased to exist)
Inactive Members:
Adjunktia (Inactive for two months , April 6th. Nation out of the North Pacific.)
DaleKhan (Nation deleted for inactivity.)
Jon Rose (Inactive for one month.)
Now I know it's summer and most people are on vacation so I delayed this for a month, which makes the following members actions even more galling.

The following have been eliminated from the Regional Assembly:

Quaker Oats
Bottle of grog
north harmoneia

Ceased to Exist:
Southwest Asia
Battle of grog

I hope this serves as a reminder that only two clicks will spare you from being inactive and that you MUST maintain a nation within the North Pacific to be a member of the North Pacific.
For the record, members removed for inactivity are placed in the TNP Coozen group; members removed because of a CTE are placed in the member group.
The following nations have been booted from the RA.

Missing Dog Head
Ho Chi Win

The following have been removed from the RA:
Kanbei (CTE)
Trexon (CTE)
Forensatha (CTE)
Demunir (CTE)
Jandrea (CTE)
Felasia (CTE)

Todd McCloud (Inactive)
Grand Admiral (Inactive)
Ermarian (Inactive)
Catching up

The following were removed from the Regional Assembly on 2 February 2009 because their TNP nation of record had ceased to exist:

Monte Ozarka

Checks for inactivity will be conducted during the next several days. Sometimes in the next few weeks I will be sending PMs to all RA members to verify their TNP and WA nations of record.
Now that there aren't any proposals in the queue waiting for a vote in the RA, I'll be conducting the activity checks in the next week. Any removals will take place after the special election for a new Vice Delegate.
The following have been removed due to inactivity (six weeks or longer):

Winter Vacationers
Grand Admiral

They have been remasked as Citizens.
The following RA members have been removed because their listed TNP nations has been moved outside The North Pacific, or has ceased to exist (CTE) at Nationstates:

Al Homa
Goebbels Reich

(They are remasked as members)

The following RA members have been removed due to inactivity:


(They have been remasked as TNP Citizens):