Election law needed

Now that a Constitutional amendment has been approved that fixes some of the problems with organizing and conducting both judicial and general elections, we now need to adopt something that will decide who will supervise the elections and some rules in how elections will be conducted.

We'll need to adopt something by the end of March since judicial elections have to be organized for April, and general elections have to be held in May.

Somesalient points:

The constitution appears to require that each seat on the Court is elected separately, as it directs the election of a "Chief Justice"

We'll need to state who will enter a runoff election if no one gets a plurality for the Court, or if there is a tie.

We need to set the length and dates for declaring candidacy and for the actual elections within the designated months, including runoffs.

And we'll have to fashion a method to choose the election commissioner (or commissions).

Any ideas?
We could always just vote for judges (one choice) and whomever gets the largest number of votes is the Chief Justice, and the next two by pure number become the remainder of the judges.
So elections will be May, September, & January? I think I'd like June, October & February better. Unless we hold them the second or third week of the month.
The law that was passed only set the months for elections, and not when during the month the elections would be held. We can set them to be early or late in the months involved.
Mum, you're acting under the assumption that the election cycle has to follow the previous calendar (cominations and preparation start in the month prior to the voting,, and voting starts on the first of the month chosen.

From what I understood, the recently adopted law on election dates comtemplates that the nominations and preparations themselves cannot start until some date in the chosen month, and that the voting period has to be in the same month. That would suggest actual voting would have to begin around the 15th of the month (and provide time for a runoff if needed). That would provide plenty of time for the declaration/nomination period for candidates and for other election preparations.

One other point we can provide that the judicial elections can be conducted completely within the RA. The general elections are a bit more problematic since the Speaker is one of those chosen in the general election,