
Hi, I have not been playing long but I saw a post in The North Pacific promising rum. Given my nation name I had to come along.

So.... where's the booze?

Oh, by the way, my real name is Pete and I am from London, England. I am a part time DJ and part time student and a part time barman.
Woot! Another Brit. Nice to see you there. I think it was me posted about the rum, so the drinks are on me.

*flemingovia opens up the rum and pours a tot.

So what are you studying? And what got you into Nationstates?
Drink up! :toast: It's great to see you. Let us know if you have any questions... or if you need an acronym handbook or anything.
Hi, The only acronym I have seen that I do not understand is NPO. What is that?

Also, what does "banjection" mean? It is in the box at the top of this page.

To answer Flemingovia: I am studying politics. One of the girls on my course said that I might find Nationstates fun, since it is a political game.

So what is there to do around here? Do I have a national government for my nation? What is the regional assembly? Can I join? and how do I get a pretty picture under my name?

Sorry - this is just a load of questions really.
OK. the NPO stands for the New Pacific Order. It was the name of the government in the Pacific some years back. Current references usually connote a type of authoritarian government style.

Banjection refers to a nation being banned and ejected from the region. The delegate can kick nations out, sending them to a region called the Rejected Realms.

There are lots of things to do around here. Currently we are engaged in liberating the region from a delegate who has an over-fondness for banjections.

Your national government is of our own making. The details on your nation's page will change depending on how you answer the issues... sometimes with unexpected results.

I see you have already applied to the RA. :clap:

For a pretty pic, go to "My controls" up at the top, and click on avatar settings. You can load a pic from your computer or use an image off the internet.

Let us know if you have more questions. I'l be glad to help.
Thanks for the welcome and the advice. I have worked out how to put pictures under my name.

I have been looking round a bit more and I think I will fit in just fine.

can someone explain how the government works? I have looked at the constitution but I cannot quite work out how the RA works. Are there political parties or does everyone represent themselves?

Also, how do you "liberate" the region? Is it a matter of elections or of miltary action? If it is military, then how does that work, since I do not seem to have an army?

Sorry if I am all questions, but I have always found that the easiest way to learn is to ask.
Under normal circumstances, the RA should be the main decision making body of the region. Proposals can be made to it to change or add laws, which it then discusses and votes on. Government officials are choosen from the RA, who are then tasked with carrying out the will of the region. The RA chooses the government officials via elections every 3 (? unless that has changed) months. The delegate of the region is also elected by the RA.

I've always imagined the RA being somewhat like a Roman senate, although I'm no expert on Roman politics, so I only have Spartacus to base that assumption on.

Political parties are allowed (or at least aren't banned) but have never really taken off in TNP. Unless you count "Old Guard" and "Crimson Whatnots" as parties...

The game mechanics of NS give all the power of the region to the Delegate, the nation with the most endorsements in the region. Liberation is just a case of gaining more endorsements than the current delegate.

Anyone else care to add some more?
Hi all, its me, and im back, maybe i can get some active again!


(finally after half a year i have got internet back)
Drink up!  :toast: It's great to see you. Let us know if you have any questions... or if you need an acronym handbook or anything.
Acronym handbook? Whatever for?

Isn't it plain to anyone that in April 2005, many months after GB had been un-endo'd and ousted, the nation PD was given first to IM who then went on to found the NPD on s4 (with himself as PM or later TM), overthrowing the constitutional government on s2, who renamed themselves first the NPU and later the NPC? PD was then given to IP, then back to Cathyy and back to IM and IP again, until in June 2005, SoS (whose forums were on s11) replaced IP as delegate and a new constitution was established (on s3 or s11? I don't know). SoS was supported by the ADN, while I think IM also known as GM had ties to NPO which had something to do with FS. In November 2005, 2s got fed up with s2 and deposed the other admins, forcing TNP to relocate to s13 (now z13).

Currently WW, aka L&C is ruling TNP as the CK. Heavily supported by GV, he has overthrown the constitution and set up new forums. z13's constitution has declared GBM to be his legitimate successor in this case. GBM is creeping up on L&C in terms of endos, but any time she gets too close, supporters get banjected to the RR. I am using ES to keep tabs on who's endorsing whom here - ES had to be updated a few days ago to adjust to the UN being renamed to the WA when the RLUN sent a C&D to MB, but otherwise works fine.

WTF? :lol:
Hahaha you might just be a genius. Is it sad that that makes perfect sense to a lot of us?

Nice to meet you Grog :D