Here we go again


So, the most anticipated event in the history of Nationstates has taken place. There are few people at home or abroad who did not suspect that Westwind was a liar when he took his oath of office; that suspicion has grown and grown over the weeks. Now we know that Westwind has been lying over and over again, playing along with the government he was elected to while laying the foundations of a new regime.

Fair enough. We are probably better off without him, if that is his character.

For those who wish it, and wish to remain here, I see no reason why many of the institutions of TNP cannot continue or, in some cases be revived. The fact that the rogue delegate does not recognise them is, frankly, irrelevant. The only thing the delegate actually controls is the Regional controls and the UN voting. Whoop de doop.

There will be one or two issues with the constitution etc that we will iron out as we get to them. But we will do it together, whether a handful of people or a larger number.

If you want to carry on with the RA, the NPA etc, or continue the OOC threads, please drop me a line and let me know; or post here.

I agree with Flem.

We will never follow a dictator. No one can force us to give up our rights as true citizens of TNP. We WILL have our democracy.

Let's get a subforum going where we can organize our fight for freedom. Send me or Flem a PM if you are willing to restore democracy to our region once again.
I'll tell you what. I had considered registering over there, but then I checked the membership and saw that Limitless Events has been appointed some Lord High Council or other. Now i don't so much mind when someone plays an unscrupulous character, but when someone is in power who doesn't know when he has crossed the line, to the extent of posting IP and e-mail addresses on a forum, it definitely gives me cause for concern.
To my knowledge he is merely a member of the House of Lords - the equivalent to the old Regional Assembly. That position holds about equal power as his Senate position in the West Pacific and less power than his PA Commander position in the Pacific.
Apparently, the judiciary over there chooses to turn a blind eye to those events:
Limitless Events's criminal record hereby expunged and is welcome to join The North Pacific as a full citizen.

~New Kervoskia
Lord Advocate General

Expunged??? So it never happened? Why I feel better already.
Hi all. :-)

It's good to see you lot are sticking around here. I really can't be bothered to keep another forum's address in my bookmark bar.

Just visiting, drop me a line (VIA EMAIL) if anyone wants to chat.
Indeed, best wishes, Hers.

And howdy to y'all. As I just mentioned to Grosse, I am pretty much done with the gameplay side of things at this point* - too much emotional energy invested in something so labile. In any case, with the second Byardlet on the way, and attempting to teach myself clinical hematology in my spare time, I just haven't the hours to spare with the junta du jour. But I am going to be around, as I have no desire to leave the community that calls this forum home (and has for lo these many months (years?). Just mainly from a GMod POV, with the occasional injection as warranted by the days events.

You know, kinda like the last 6 months.

*For a good long while, at least.
OK, yet another Rogue Delegate.

Who's with me on the revolution to overthrow him?

I knew this was coming, I knew Gatesville (as EM pulled before) was in on it, they 'abolished' the NPIA to prevent this intel from being used to prevent it, so, it's time for the revolt and reestablishment of the old constitution again.

We let the invaders in the door, we let them use our own constitution to overthrow the region, now let's give them what-for.

Why thank you!

I will be proposing a new Provisional Government in the RA thread soon. We need to keep our democratic ideals, principles and acts as we have always done before in the face of rogue delegates.

And as always, Democracy and Freedom will prevail!