TNP Special Forces Squad

It is becoming an increasingly hostile world in NS; we face threats from many places that would love to have The North Pacific as a prize.

As the Department of Security is currently being reorganized, we are blind and have no real means to defend ourselves until this process is completed.

As such, I propose the temporary creation of a temporary Special Forces Squad that will handle these responsibilities until the Security Department is ready, at which point the Squad's members will be absorbed into the Military/Intelligence Directorates.

How it will work-

1) The Squad will report directly to the Delegate, in accordance with the Delegate's Constitutional responsibility for Regional Security.

2) The Squad is authorized to act in any necessary means to defend The North Pacific's sovereignty, as long as said acts are approved by the delegate.

3) The Squad's membership shall remain classified, for security concerns.

4) The Squad will be disbanded as soon as the Security Department is ready, or if the delegate decides to disband it at an earlier date.
IS there much point in this? How long can a military reorganisation take? And if it is going to take a really really long time, why disband the NPA to leave us with "no real means to defend ourselves" during this period?

More to the point, what is this to do with the department of Internal Affairs?
Erm..can I just point out your looking to set up some form of Secret Police that you can order to do anything in the interests of State Security? Does that not sound odd to anyone else?
I'd love it, he is actually a very amusing and interesting speaker.

But your implying the intellectual tone is low? but we havent even had the predicted terrible PURGES! of the intelligensia yet!
You know, Dali posted a request for people to join the Recruitment Corp to get people to help with recruitment to boost our military. Yet to my knowledge, not a single person has offered to help.

And anyone can still to this day signup to join the military.
As the Department of Security is currently being reorganized, we are blind and have no real means to defend ourselves until this process is completed.

But this is all academic. Intelligence is indeed being gathered, and the threats to the region are being observed.

These two statements are contradictory, and in this instance I am more inclined to feel that the Delegate has his finger on the pulse rather than a minister of the Interior.

Since this is in RA discussions I would say "Meh. Thanks for the idea, Khark, but no thanks".
You know, Dali posted a request for people to join the Recruitment Corp to get people to help with recruitment to boost our military. Yet to my knowledge, not a single person has offered to help.

And anyone can still to this day signup to join the military.
You are a rogue delegate and I personally will lead the revolt to remove you as delegate. You are a dictator and autocrat.

Anyone behind me on this action to restore democracy and freedom to the regiojn?

Upon reconsideration, I do think that a certain section of the NPIA could be dedicated to 'unconventional warfare'.

We are dealing with an enemy who believes the ends justify the means no matter how immoral those means are. It is my firm belief that when one's enemies declare that they aren't going to play by the rules that the rules need to be chucked out the window.

We need to approach this from the 'we define the rules, force the enemy to play by them and then don't play by those rules'. This minor annoyance by L&C is moving from the realm of 'let's get the schmuck' to 'blood-lust'. They will pull every dirty trick in the book and now it's time to pull even dirtier tricks.

I've been trying to persuade people into using the game mechanics to deal a final blow in swift order but no one apparently has the guts to do it. Its time to drown the pig in his own mud and do it legitimately and viciously and make his life in N a total living hell.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I say.
...and along the lines of 'Department D - D is for Dirty Tricks'.
Huh? Don't you mean Torchwood?

And if you really want to discuss this in private, there's always the private discussion subforum. A request to me by PM would cause the thread to be moved.