We've been fortunate here that there has been very little need to use the moderation and warning system; so little in fact that it appears that government-based moderators may be unfamiliar with the policies followed here.
This evening, a thread was moved to the lock box because the new user had posted photographic images that violated the TOS. I also banned the just registered fourm user, which is the normal protocol for such a violation. When such a serious violation is discovered send a PM to the forum Admin (myself and Flem, and-or tp the Global Mods -- GBM, DD and Byardkuria.) If I'm online I will get an immdiate e-mail notification, so giving me a subject title that relates to a moderation issue makes it easier for all of us.)
This would be a good opportunity to request all "regular" modeartors, i.e., those in the government who have mderator powers by virtue of a government position, to review the forum moderation policies listed in the forum guidelines area here (click), as ell as the warning system as described in the "Technology" area of the forums, particular the Moderation Discussion and Discussion HQ areas. (Those of you with moderation powers should be able to see both subforums. If you can't send me a PM and I'll fix it.)
Thanks,y 'all.
This evening, a thread was moved to the lock box because the new user had posted photographic images that violated the TOS. I also banned the just registered fourm user, which is the normal protocol for such a violation. When such a serious violation is discovered send a PM to the forum Admin (myself and Flem, and-or tp the Global Mods -- GBM, DD and Byardkuria.) If I'm online I will get an immdiate e-mail notification, so giving me a subject title that relates to a moderation issue makes it easier for all of us.)
This would be a good opportunity to request all "regular" modeartors, i.e., those in the government who have mderator powers by virtue of a government position, to review the forum moderation policies listed in the forum guidelines area here (click), as ell as the warning system as described in the "Technology" area of the forums, particular the Moderation Discussion and Discussion HQ areas. (Those of you with moderation powers should be able to see both subforums. If you can't send me a PM and I'll fix it.)
Thanks,y 'all.