It is my unfortunate duty to announce the removal of Joshua from Internal Affairs. As I stated when I announced my candidacy for the delegacy, it is my intention to ensure a staffed and active Cabinet is in place. Joshua performed an excellent job, and has my thanks for the work that he did for us. However, he has been inactive for 15 days now, and it has been 6 days since I sent him a pm advising him that I would need to remove him should he not return by this time.
To fill this vacancy, I appoint JAL - John Ashcroft Land - to the Cabinet to fulfill the duties of Internal Affairs. I look forward to his contributions to the region in this role.
Join me in Congratulations to JAL for his appointment.
To fill this vacancy, I appoint JAL - John Ashcroft Land - to the Cabinet to fulfill the duties of Internal Affairs. I look forward to his contributions to the region in this role.
Join me in Congratulations to JAL for his appointment.