RA Membership Law


I request that the Attorney General's office look into this issue. To me, there appears to be a potential conflict with the constitution in the RA Membership Law.

Section Three., If, once seven days has elapsed after the Law contained in Section One of this Act takes effect, a member of the Regional Assembly has not executed such oath, they shall be suspended from membership in the Regional Assembly as well as any office or position they may otherwise hold in The North Pacific. This suspension shall be enforced by the use of a temporary mask by forum administration. Once the oath has been duly executed, the suspension shall be lifted promptly and without delay.

The Constitution does not prescribe RA Membership as a requirement to hold office in TNP.

Futhermore, as The Speaker has not opened thread(s) for the Oath to be posted by existing members and new applicants, as of today it would appear that the entire government is now out of a job.

The law was passed and approved 7 days ago. The Law states:

Section Two.. The Law contained in Section One of this Act shall take effect upon its adoption pursuant to the Constitution. Current members of the Regional Assembly are required to subscribe and execute the oath as enacted by the Law contained in Section One of this Act within one week after enactment pursuant to the Constitution.

Thank you for your attention.
The "backroom" process to prepare for the implementation of the new Law has taken time, just as it did the last time the aoth for application for RA membership took some time.

The last stage of preparation, sending a notice to all of those who currently have some form of RA maskings and permissions, and to those those who made application under the former procedure, should be completed within twenty-four hours.

If the Delegate would look at the new Registration subforum, he will find that the new threads are ready, and a preliminary list based upon current forum user groups and mask permissions have been posted. In addition, updats on the status of the process have been posted in the old application there to advise those who have concerns what the status of the process is. Within the past twenty four hours, notice was given that the process should be ready for implementtion within 48 hours, qnd that is still the intended goal.

The Constitution places the responsibility for this area in the hands of the Regional Assembly, and the Regional Assembly has placed this responsibility in the hands of the Speaker. The Constitution further places responsibility for regional assembly procedure in the hands of the Speaker.
I check the RA application threads often. They are still closed. No one is able to comply with the law.

There is no logistical or administrative reason that new applicants could not have been posting their applications from the day the law was passed.

During discussion of the law, you stated that the needed suspension masking was already in existance.

I admit that I do not see the need or purpose of the posted list. It is really simple. If you're an existing member, post the oath. If you are an applicant, post the Oath. If you're an existing member, and you fail to post within the required time, your mask will be changed appropriately.

People could have been posting oaths, while any masking or contact issues are being addressed.

Now, due to the delay, the law is removing everyone from office.

No one is arguing your authority as Speaker. However, it is the constitutional duty of the Delegate to ensure the security of the region. Having the entire government sacked due to this law and the failure to provide a means for compliance is a matter of security.
One of the reasons for needing to create a new list is that, as far as I can tell, there is no current list of RA members with their TNP nation, so as to be able to verify that the forum member is in compliance with the new law.

As far as I know, and have been able to determine, the last time the list was completely verified was back when Former English Colony was MIIA; and dispite numerous attempts, I have been unable to obtain the list created by the MIIA.

So we have to start over. The preliminary list was needed in order to send eveyone a notice (which was the exact same method used last time). e fact that someone has the RA forum mask or another mask with RA permissions is no assurance that the forum member is currently in compliance with the requirements for RA membership. If a current list is to be posted, and if it has to be updated at least every month, then there has to be a starting point. That list is it.

(OOC I do not and am unable to live on this site 24/7. If you choose to do so, then that is your choice. But do not demand that of anyone else. I devote an amount of time daily to my responsibilities here, and there are days when it tends to be less rther than more. But that's the way it is. I have worked on getting this process set up. I will point out that the last time we went through this, it took Former English Colony about the same amount of time as it has taken me, and she did not have forum admin powers to work with.)

In any event I will be sending out PMs momentarily, and the threaads will be open shortly, as soon as the PMs are sent out.
The Regional Assembly Membership Law was not implemented in a timely manner and has put the government at risk. Section 2 of the law was not based on realistic expectations of implementation and should have been extended to a later date.
These facts, however, do not invalidate current the membership of the Regional Assembly or the offices of the Delegacy.

Section 3 of the law is unconstitutional as the Constitution does not require a government official to be a member of the Regional Assembly. We request that Section 3 of the Regional Assembly Membership Law be removed.

The Speaker is to be commended for his efforts, however it is suggested that the Speaker appoint a clerk in order to hasten the implementation of the Regional Assembly Membership Law.

-New Kervoskia
Attorney General